Originally posted by nomoney
I missed it
what happened????
If you recorded or Tivoed 24 and haven't watched it yet, stop reading now.
Well the first thing of note was the guy in the subway station got out and was running amok in the city. He ended up in a Middle School.
Gael's widow showed up to collect his things. Then as she's leaving she pulls out a gun and blows Steven Saunders away right before he can ID the bad guy. Luckily by this time the bad guy has left a trail of bodies leading out of the subway, and they track him on satellite to the school.
David Palmer said he will not be running for reelection. He's holding himself responsible for the deaths of Sherry, Millican and Julia, Millican's widow. He's very disturbed about it, even though his brother came up with a great cover story.
Tony was given a brief reprieve in order to take over CTU's Tactical operation while trying to find the last virus courier. Doesn't get him off the hook though. It still looks like he's going to prison.
The big shocker - The virus-bomb was wired differently than the others, so the bomb squad didn't have time to figure out what to do - but Chase had gotten his arm stuck in the shackle attached to the dispersal unit. So Jack had to chop his hand off with a fireman's axe to get it off. Once he got it off, he put the dispersal device in some sort of refrigerator in the chemistry lab and watches it go off. At the end of the show, Chase was in surgery - 50/50 if he can ever use that hand again.
Either way, Chase said that he wanted out of Field Ops because he wants to be with Kim. Jack said he'd support any decision that Chase and Kim make. Jack and Kim hug, and then Jack goes into his SUV and has a mini-breakdown. He just sits there and twitches and sobs for about 3 minutes, before he's called to go help with paperwork or something.
Loose ends: Tony's future. Jack's addiction and mental state. No head of CTU. Chase's hand.
And honestly, I think that Palmer will be running for president (and winning) after all. He's not listed as one of the people who aren't coming back next year. And I can't see him doing something as mundane as taking orders from Jack, or even running CTU.