Any advice appreciated....


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
The horse I had mentioned in previous threads that had the hoof injury, I got him about two weeks ago had his x-rays taken on Friday. Findings were... it appears the infection is gone but damage was done when the infection traveled into his coffin bone joint. The hope is in time that the joint will fuse and he will become sound, to what degree we won't know but even if it's just pasture sound, that's fine with me as long as he is in no pain. Does anyone know of anything I can do or give him that will help. If things don't get better then sadly I will have to do what is best for him. He is such a wonderful guy and I want to do everything possible for him to get better. Thanks.


New Member
:yay: thumbs up for giving him a great chance. How extensive was the damage? Other then the coffin bone? Was it cracked, infection discingrated (SP) and he has calcium build up? What needs to fuse a break? fracture? What does the vet say his chances are? Heres some hope... it is how far do you want to go...right now you are positive can you stay that way. because this is just the beginning...was their any joint damage....look into injections Paso can help you there giving reccomendations.. I used legends on a 22yr old TW mare and what a difference even with her arthritis. Is he on pain management? Does he require pads shoes? What does the farrier say? I think I read a earlier post that he had to be deep bedded. You can mix shavings and sawdust to make it fluffier for him, to encourage him to lay down. and take the load off. If he is laying down alot watch out for bedding sores. and wash him down a good brace bigeloil or vetrolin will help with overall soreness and urine smells on the body and will help keep the flys down. you can even sponge it on the body and legs to make him feel better. I am sure there are more folks out here pulling for you and will have a wealth of information for you good luck


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Robin said:
:yay: thumbs up for giving him a great chance. How extensive was the damage? Other then the coffin bone? Was it cracked, infection discingrated (SP) and he has calcium build up? What needs to fuse a break? fracture? What does the vet say his chances are? Heres some hope... it is how far do you want to go...right now you are positive can you stay that way. because this is just the beginning...was their any joint damage....look into injections Paso can help you there giving reccomendations.. I used legends on a 22yr old TW mare and what a difference even with her arthritis. Is he on pain management? Does he require pads shoes? What does the farrier say? I think I read a earlier post that he had to be deep bedded. You can mix shavings and sawdust to make it fluffier for him, to encourage him to lay down. and take the load off. If he is laying down alot watch out for bedding sores. and wash him down a good brace bigeloil or vetrolin will help with overall soreness and urine smells on the body and will help keep the flys down. you can even sponge it on the body and legs to make him feel better. I am sure there are more folks out here pulling for you and will have a wealth of information for you good luck

Thanks Robin, the damage looks to be only in the coffin bone joint (not in the bone), rather than being smooth, it is jagged, the infection ate the cartilage and must be very painful for him. He might have calcium buildup, not sure, it just look jagged on the x-rays. Dr. Stott says it can take months but hopefully the joint will fuse and he can hopefully become sound. In the meantime I am giving him still SMZ tabs (just in case the infection isn't all gone) and bute for the pain. I am giving him aloho vera juice and papaya to help coat his stomach from the extensive length of time on bute. I have been using Cosiquin, sp? in his feed. I'm not familiar with the bigeloil or vetrolin, where to get it and how exactly to use it?? He does lay down to sleep and he does have some sore areas that I have been using some cream on.


New Member
gosh what a mishap. you may want to also put him on a probiotic (ie probios) type of thing since he's on smz to help his gut keep the good bacteria going. you can find that at most tack shops and horse catalogues in tube paste or powder form.

bigeloil and vetrolin are linments you put on sore muscles. you can get them from any horse catalogue or tack shop.

i'm not a supporter but de-nerving his hoof would take the pain away. but of course he then couldn't feel anything on it.

i have had my horse's coffin bone injected with hyaluronic acid etc once before (his coffin bone is mis-shapin, points down. that seemed to help him. but if the vet thinks the joints should just fuse up, then that's probably not what you want to do...dunno.

maybe putting him on a calcium supplement would help the joint to fuse faster?

hope things start getting better....


New Member
Probios is wonderful to help replace good bacteria in the stomach. You have the best Vet to be working on your guy... :yay: Talk with him, He has alot of History with TB Race horses and their healing techniques. There is a whole lot of stuff out there He would know and not steer you wrong...There is Legends and adequan injections to the joints and intramuscular that can be administered. There is U7 gastric guard and other products that can help with the stomach..Some just coat the feed with a little mineral oil. Keeps him lubricated. There is a whole lot of gut tucked inside the barrel and a horse moving around normal can adjust it more laying down and in active can have problems.. Did he recomend hand walking at all or is it too soon for him?
The vetrolin and the bigeloil is something you mix a small portion in water and sponge bath a horse after excercise or in the situation you are in just to help with smell sweat and sore muscles. never hurts makes them feel a little better and keeps the sweat smell down to attract flies, since he can't move away from them, he is a sitting duck.
I would mix the bedding to make it fluffy for him if he is laying down alot. It will help with the bedding sores that is alot of weight to keep on the elbows hips and hocks. You are such a good horse mom. I am glad he is back with you.


New Member
We used to give Isoxsuprine to horses with damage to the coffin bone, navicular bone.. think laminitis... it was thought to promote blood flow to the area, helping healing... there have been some studies done, something to think about and talk to your vet about.

Neither isoxsuprine nor pentoxifylline increased blood flow to the digit or dorsal laminae in healthy horses. Acepromazine caused an increased blood flow to the digit. Based on the results of this study acetylpromazine potentially would have a greater effect on improving digital blood flow than oral isoxsuprine or pentoxifylline when treating ischemic conditions of the foot in horses.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!

Thanks for all the advice. Dr. Stott is very knowledgeable and he tells me it can take months. In the meantime I want to do anything possible to help healing and whatever I can do to raise his spirits and keep him comfortable. Thanks again and I will do some shopping to get items mentioned. :flowers:


Active Member
SouthernMdRocks said:
The horse I had mentioned in previous threads that had the hoof injury, I got him about two weeks ago had his x-rays taken on Friday. Findings were... it appears the infection is gone but damage was done when the infection traveled into his coffin bone joint. The hope is in time that the joint will fuse and he will become sound, to what degree we won't know but even if it's just pasture sound, that's fine with me as long as he is in no pain. Does anyone know of anything I can do or give him that will help. If things don't get better then sadly I will have to do what is best for him. He is such a wonderful guy and I want to do everything possible for him to get better. Thanks.

My vet suggested using a supplement with a high percentage of Glocousimine (sp?) after my mare broke her hip. By the time we realized what was even wrong with her, the bones had already started fusing. I chose to leave things at the point they were instead of rebreaking the bones and her going through the painful process all over again.

She was doing okay but had some difficulties over time especially when the weather got cold. I now use a pelleted Hoof and Coat supplement that I purchase from Loveville Leather... Since I introduced it, she seems to be doing much better.. Results were noticable within a couple of weeks. I don't know how it works with a foot related injury but because there is jointing involved with the coffin bone, I would assume it wouldn't be any different. Your vet is usually the best one to advise you!!

Good luck and I hope whatever you find works!


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
ladyhawk said:
My vet suggested using a supplement with a high percentage of Glocousimine (sp?) after my mare broke her hip. By the time we realized what was even wrong with her, the bones had already started fusing. I chose to leave things at the point they were instead of rebreaking the bones and her going through the painful process all over again.

She was doing okay but had some difficulties over time especially when the weather got cold. I now use a pelleted Hoof and Coat supplement that I purchase from Loveville Leather... Since I introduced it, she seems to be doing much better.. Results were noticable within a couple of weeks. I don't know how it works with a foot related injury but because there is jointing involved with the coffin bone, I would assume it wouldn't be any different. Your vet is usually the best one to advise you!!

Good luck and I hope whatever you find works!

Thanks Ladyhawk. :howdy:

calamity jane

New Member
Also, don't forget to keep a close eye on the leg on the opposite side from the sore hoof. A horse who is long term lame on one hoof can get tendon and other stress problems from bearing all his weight on the other side of his body. Wrapping the legs for support is usually necessary, and feels good to him. Don't know you, so just in case you are not familiar with the correct way to wrap a horses legs, get someone knowledgable to show you how.
I had a horse with a similar injury once, I had a great farrier make a circle shoe with a brace up the back which took the weight off his hoof and prevented a lot of flexing. It helped speed up the fusion process. The circle shoe might help in your case, if you could get advice from a farrier experienced in corrective shoeing.
Keep a fan on him in the stall, stay meticulous in his treatment and all should be well. Good luck.

calamity jane

New Member
Forgot to say, horses love yogurt (at least mine all did), give it to him for healthy gut action. Get the store brand stuff in big container. Works just as good as the probiotic stuff.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
calamity jane said:
Also, don't forget to keep a close eye on the leg on the opposite side from the sore hoof. A horse who is long term lame on one hoof can get tendon and other stress problems from bearing all his weight on the other side of his body. Wrapping the legs for support is usually necessary, and feels good to him. Don't know you, so just in case you are not familiar with the correct way to wrap a horses legs, get someone knowledgable to show you how.
I had a horse with a similar injury once, I had a great farrier make a circle shoe with a brace up the back which took the weight off his hoof and prevented a lot of flexing. It helped speed up the fusion process. The circle shoe might help in your case, if you could get advice from a farrier experienced in corrective shoeing.
Keep a fan on him in the stall, stay meticulous in his treatment and all should be well. Good luck.

Thanks CJane :howdy:
Who is your farrier that did the shoe, I would be interested in seeing if that would work for him. I purchased pillow wraps for his legs but he was irritated by them. I'll need to try some other wraps. I have been keeping an eye on his other leg, even had the vet xray them to make sure he wasn't foundering, so far so good but it's been a long haul for him and he is still very lame on the one foot.

calamity jane

New Member
Tried to send a pm, but your box is full.
I have lost touch with the farrier I used back then, but I'll send you his name when you get room in your in-box. Ask Dr. Stott if a founder type shoe will help your horse, and he should have a farrier name for you, too.
The type of wrap is a support wrap, same as a shipping wrap. As I said they must be applied correctly or could do damage to the other leg. You use regular roll bandages but apply with the proper tension for support of the tendon. You probably know this stuff already, so forgive me for telling you if you do.
I know what your going through. Hope some of this helps.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
calamity jane said:
Tried to send a pm, but your box is full.
I have lost touch with the farrier I used back then, but I'll send you his name when you get room in your in-box. Ask Dr. Stott if a founder type shoe will help your horse, and he should have a farrier name for you, too.
The type of wrap is a support wrap, same as a shipping wrap. As I said they must be applied correctly or could do damage to the other leg. You use regular roll bandages but apply with the proper tension for support of the tendon. You probably know this stuff already, so forgive me for telling you if you do.
I know what your going through. Hope some of this helps.

I'll get in touch with Stott. I appreciate any advice and wouldn't get offended. As a matter of fact, I am not too use to wrapping for an injury. Thanks again. :howdy:


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
SouthernMdRocks said:
I'll get in touch with Stott. I appreciate any advice and wouldn't get offended. As a matter of fact, I am not too use to wrapping for an injury. Thanks again. :howdy:

Bumped!!!! Just wanted to share....

I thank everyone for their advice and there were many things I took to heart. Just wanted to let everyone know that Onie is finally using his leg again, putting weight on it. This is great considering he has hardly put his leg down in 7 mos.!!!! :huggy:


SouthernMdRocks said:
Bumped!!!! Just wanted to share....

I thank everyone for their advice and there were many things I took to heart. Just wanted to let everyone know that Onie is finally using his leg again, putting weight on it. This is great considering he has hardly put his leg down in 7 mos.!!!! :huggy:

YEAH...YEAH...YEAH... :huggy: :huggy: :huggy: