Any Forumites in Mechanicsville? Take Note...


New Member
‘‘So far we have removed 74” cats by noon on Thursday, said Tony Malaspina, supervisor of animal control. ‘‘I believe there’s still several to go.”

They should have euthanized the owner along with the cats.

The article says children that attend Mechanicsville ES will not be allowed outdoors.


Painted Spirit
We used to rent a little house about 6 or 7 houses down from the school. I remember an old couple who lived right near the school in a smaller house and they didn't look that well off - I wonder if it was them? It probably started as a couple of cats they well intentionally fed and multiplied out of control easily.
I've got a feral cat in the woods that I'd love to get my hands on to get a rabies shot in. Trouble is with a trap I'd catch my own barn cats over and over!!!!


New Member
My neighbors here in Ridge also have let their cat stray, and now it going to have kittens.

I just hope the Fox comes back.


New Member
wintersprings said:
My neighbors here in Ridge also have let their cat stray, and now it going to have kittens.

I just hope the Fox comes back.

Shiat, there are people who breed them on purpose, like fricken cats are rare or something. :rolleyes:


New Member
willie said:
Serious question:
What is the difference in a barn cat and a feral cat?

Feral = wild
Barn = generally ones kept around a barn for mouse control, usually friendly and people oriented