Any Guitarists In SoMd Looking For Fun Project?


New Member
Justyn Sayne is in need of a qualified lead guitarist, vocals a plus. We rehearse in Hughesville on Carrico Mill Road, just off of route 5. Currently, the bands direction is in the styles related to acoustic rock / current rock / slight pop-punk feel.



You shall have no drug issues, and zero ego, no baggage, and this is not a hangout for your friends, wife, girlfriend, you come to rehearsals by yourself!


This is fun, dedicated, mature, experienced, atmosphere with goals.

Age, race, etc. not an issue. Any guitarist interested in auditioning can contact us at: for more details, or visit out website at:

This is an all ORIGINALS project and we currently have NO plans to perform covers. The bands goal is to record a 4-5 song demo with the material currently being worked on, promote, sell and perform multi-band gigs, along with performances that will include self-produced concerts and spotlight type performances. We have a bassist, male vocals, rhythm guitar, and drums.

The group is currently working with 2-3 albums worth of material, with many more songs in waiting and is looking for a guitarist who is willing to have fun, and be serious about the goal of the band overall. Dedication is a must and we rehearse for a minimum of 4 hours each week.

We currently rehearse on Sunday evenings from 2pm to 6pm, this is currently fitting the members schedules, however, is we find a guitarist that has other schedule needs, we will do what we can to satisfy those requests.

So, give us a shout at:

...And for those of you who are hiding in the basement and think you may not have what it takes to play in a band yet, whatever... come on out give it a try!

...And if you're currently working with another band and you might be considering a second project... see you when you get to the audition!

Thank you,
Dwight Bassist / Founder
JustynSayneBand said:
Justyn Sayne is in need of a qualified lead guitarist, vocals a plus. We rehearse in Hughesville on Carrico Mill Road, just off of route 5. Currently, the bands direction is in the styles related to acoustic rock / current rock / slight pop-punk feel.



You shall have no drug issues, and zero ego, no baggage, and this is not a hangout for your friends, wife, girlfriend, you come to rehearsals by yourself!


This is fun, dedicated, mature, experienced, atmosphere with goals.

Age, race, etc. not an issue. Any guitarist interested in auditioning can contact us at: for more details, or visit out website at:

This is an all ORIGINALS project and we currently have NO plans to perform covers. The bands goal is to record a 4-5 song demo with the material currently being worked on, promote, sell and perform multi-band gigs, along with performances that will include self-produced concerts and spotlight type performances. We have a bassist, male vocals, rhythm guitar, and drums.

The group is currently working with 2-3 albums worth of material, with many more songs in waiting and is looking for a guitarist who is willing to have fun, and be serious about the goal of the band overall. Dedication is a must and we rehearse for a minimum of 4 hours each week.

We currently rehearse on Sunday evenings from 2pm to 6pm, this is currently fitting the members schedules, however, is we find a guitarist that has other schedule needs, we will do what we can to satisfy those requests.

So, give us a shout at:

...And for those of you who are hiding in the basement and think you may not have what it takes to play in a band yet, whatever... come on out give it a try!

...And if you're currently working with another band and you might be considering a second project... see you when you get to the audition!

Thank you,
Dwight Bassist / Founder

I know someone who is a great guitarist who has been looking for a band. I'll send him this info!!


New Member
Well Larry, that issue has never really been an issue, with all the guitarists we have been through in the past around here, it's more of "Point Maker", rather than something we are trying to stay away from. Any guitarist who has a professional attitude and wants to come to rehearsal with a goal in mind perfectly understands the quote you extracted from my ad. I am simply showing them that were are serious about what we're doing and that this is not hangout for kids and issues.

And to Speedy 70, I thank you for your efforts, however, I just knew you were gonna say that. Like I just told Larry, we have been through every guitar player in the area, it's either they can't play like they say they can ( majority of them) , or their interests are not what we're looking for, now for the guys who have come through the door and and ventured on to other things they find themselves more at home with and they now have what they were looking for in the first place, congratulations to you all.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's amazing to me...

JustynSayneBand said:
Well Larry, that issue has never really been an issue, with all the guitarists we have been through in the past around here, it's more of "Point Maker", rather than something we are trying to stay away from. Any guitarist who has a professional attitude and wants to come to rehearsal with a goal in mind perfectly understands the quote you extracted from my ad. I am simply showing them that were are serious about what we're doing and that this is not hangout for kids and issues.

And to Speedy 70, I thank you for your efforts, however, I just knew you were gonna say that. Like I just told Larry, we have been through every guitar player in the area, it's either they can't play like they say they can ( majority of them) , or their interests are not what we're looking for, now for the guys who have come through the door and and ventured on to other things they find themselves more at home with and they now have what they were looking for in the first place, congratulations to you all.

...has the guitar world matured as a whole? :lmao:

Just my opinion; if you get a person who can't play so well, but has the right attitude, maybe work with them? If they have a goal, getting up to speed with what you're doing, they could easily be decent in 6 months.


New Member
well, we certainly work with them for as long as we all can stand it, there just comes a point when everyone realizes that it's either not right for them, or us, so, we try to make every effrort not to part ways with bad blood, there's enough of that in the world, but, what really jerks my nerves is the guys who don't have the common respect to even call you, or at least email you and tell you in a mature fashion that they don't feel it's right for them, or whatever the situation may be.

We're just laid back guys, who have been around the local cover band scene for plenty long, and have had our fill of the worn out cliche cover songs, we don't have the drive to play the same songs everyone is already playing, and wearing out, what is already worn out. This is a simply an originals project that hopefully will put some new music out there in the public. We'll just let everyone else bore the heck out of the local audiences, that would be the same bands who complain about no one showing up to see them perform at the areas local dives.

We just need to find a guitar player who can let go of that cover band instinct for a few hours.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well hell...

JustynSayneBand said:
Now that's what I'm looking for. I didn't know people made music like that anymore. As a guitar player for 25 years, that sounds just like my style. Now if I could I solve this Carpel Tunnel Issue I could be a guitarist again, it made me a bass player.

...maybe we gotta jam sometime?

Bass player I know got the surgery and he's back to 100%, good as new.


New Member
I have no problem with a friendly jam session, I'd take that offer anytime.

I used to be a fairly descent guitarist, hands were quite fast at one time. I started when I was five and had to give it up about 4 years ago, so there's 30 years of experience there, never was much into sports, so I locked myself in my room for hours and hours and just learned all the dokken, judas priest, iron maiden, and van helen that I could.

Since I have played bass for about 20 years, I figured I go with it full time. I used to enter the guitar contests Hot Licks used to have years ago, entered all but 2, so that's 9 out of 11, was never the best and never the worst, but, probably middle of the road somewhere, it was fun though. I even found some video footage I never knew existed until about 3 years ago. These hands used to be pretty skilled, but, I have had no recourse financially.

I really liked that MP3 you sent, that's me through and through. I really, and honestly liked what I heard, I like the aggression behind it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

..glad you like it. I'm part jock, part 'musician, part tree sloth; fairly good at everything, not great at anything. My playing is fairly sloppy but I'm always in tune! I know very few songs that aren't my own and that's my real kick; making stuff up.

I'm trying to, finally, slowly, learn different modes and proper scales in an effort to get better, but, still mostly just rockin, penatonic-esque jamming.



In My Opinion
I played years ago.
quit after I cut off two fingers. they did manage to put them back on.

anyway, picked it back up a couple months ago and started trying to play again. its going to take some work but I think that the chances of doing something with it are pretty good.

Foxhound came by the other day and brought his guitar, hes not to bad either, but like me, you can tell that its an old love that he just refound.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You're in luck then...

bcp said:
I played years ago.
quit after I cut off two fingers. they did manage to put them back on.

...modern rock doesn't use many fingers anyway. Turn on the radio to a rock station, pick a song. Tune your low e to d and now you can play chords all over with one finger.



Larry Gude said:
...modern rock doesn't use many fingers anyway. Turn on the radio to a rock station, pick a song. Tune your low e to d and now you can play chords all over with one finger.

Unfortunately you have a point, everything is in "drop D" now.
Although I get the feeling that the 80's are making a comeback. I am starting to hear alot of guitar harmonizer along with fret octaves, not to mention 2-3 part vocal harmonies


In My Opinion
Lugnut said:

noooo, aint nothing like that. In the first place I aint no homo.
second place, its Foxhound, not homohound.

and c: even if I were a flamer, I would not be going after some charles manson look a like that rides a motorcycle, plays guitar and dont drink. cause, if I were a homo, there would have to be more drinking involved than any one bar alone could supply for the evening of rump ranging.


New Member
Justyn Sayne is an all originals rock project and we are looking for a new guitarist to take on leads, for electric and some acoustic. Harmony vocal ability not required, but would be a plus.

If you play in another band that would be fine, however, we would like to find someone who is not currently dating another band. You don't have to be the next best thing, but, we do need someone who is familiar with current rock styles.

Contact us at:


New Member
I'll be looking soon

Hi, a drummer, new in the area. i'd like to know more about the bands around here. i would like to join a new band in the area soon.