Any medical proffessionals in here?


In My Opinion
Do doctors put things on the patients chart to warn other doctors that the patients family consists of totally insane know it alls?

I'm asking because after watching my wifes family, as in her two sisters, one brother in law and her mother converse with the doctors about the wifes father, Ive noticed that the doctors are less apt to spend much time, and when they come in to stare at him for the first time they have this look on there face before the assault even begins.

The issue that I see, is that the family members have been watching too many medical shows and as such with the extensive training provided from great medical teachers such as House, Marcus Welby and other great medical men from the television industry.
They suggest causes, tests, and treatments. They get upset when their superior advice is not given. They question if the treatment being given is the best way to handle whatever is going on, they refuse to get out of the way and let the doctors and nurses do their thing.

Now, as I asked, are warnings passed along on the patients chart? since I have been witness to this, if the nurses or doctors recognized me or any of them should I end up in the hospital, will something be written on my chart too?
Do doctors put things on the patients chart to warn other doctors that the patients family consists of totally insane know it alls?

I'm asking because after watching my wifes family, as in her two sisters, one brother in law and her mother converse with the doctors about the wifes father, Ive noticed that the doctors are less apt to spend much time, and when they come in to stare at him for the first time they have this look on there face before the assault even begins.

The issue that I see, is that the family members have been watching too many medical shows and as such with the extensive training provided from great medical teachers such as House, Marcus Welby and other great medical men from the television industry.
They suggest causes, tests, and treatments. They get upset when their superior advice is not given. They question if the treatment being given is the best way to handle whatever is going on, they refuse to get out of the way and let the doctors and nurses do their thing.

Now, as I asked, are warnings passed along on the patients chart? since I have been witness to this, if the nurses or doctors recognized me or any of them should I end up in the hospital, will something be written on my chart too?
They post your pictures on the "These people think they stayed at a holiday inn express." wall in the back.


In My Opinion
They post your pictures on the "These people think they stayed at a holiday inn express." wall in the back.

So Im screwed if I ever end up at Anne Arundel Medical Center again?

is there some sort of waiver I can sign to get my picture off the wall? I dont think its fair that I be included in that group since I was obviously trying to hide under the chair while it was going on.


Dream Stealer
This is probably a trade secret or something..but yes, we did all warn each other when I worked in hospitals about what we were likely to step into. Generally, not much is noted on pt charts, though soemtimes if the family is particularly "difficult" it can be mentioned in the pats background. Usually it was word of mouth between us all. I can tell you first freakin hand..I have rarely if EVER had a problem with a patient, as I took my job extrememly seriously..but there was more than one occasion when I wanted to punch a family member in the face. They can be the WORST. We all realize having a loved one in the hospital can be super stressful and scary..and I personally appreciate families who go to bat for their loved ones that they believe are not getting adequate care..but some of them can be so flippin annoying. If I tell you grandma has to be NPO for her test, she does. No, she does not get to have just a couple crackers. No, it will be useless for you to contact your family lawyer about, she is not going to die of starvation from being on NPO a few days. No, I don't care if your mom's "normal" temp is only 97...a temp of 98.9 is still not a fever. Your father refused his meds this morning, no I cannot hold him down and force him to take it, no, calling news 5 on your side is not going to cause me to take off your grandads mitts, he will pull his catheter out and you will probably be way more pissed then. and on and on and on. for 12 hours a day :cds:


In My Opinion
This is probably a trade secret or something..but yes, we did all warn each other when I worked in hospitals about what we were likely to step into. Generally, not much is noted on pt charts, though soemtimes if the family is particularly "difficult" it can be mentioned in the pats background. Usually it was word of mouth between us all. I can tell you first freakin hand..I have rarely if EVER had a problem with a patient, as I took my job extrememly seriously..but there was more than one occasion when I wanted to punch a family member in the face. They can be the WORST. We all realize having a loved one in the hospital can be super stressful and scary..and I personally appreciate families who go to bat for their loved ones that they believe are not getting adequate care..but some of them can be so flippin annoying. If I tell you grandma has to be NPO for her test, she does. No, she does not get to have just a couple crackers. No, it will be useless for you to contact your family lawyer about, she is not going to die of starvation from being on NPO a few days. No, I don't care if your mom's "normal" temp is only 97...a temp of 98.9 is still not a fever. Your father refused his meds this morning, no I cannot hold him down and force him to take it, no, calling news 5 on your side is not going to cause me to take off your grandads mitts, he will pull his catheter out and you will probably be way more pissed then. and on and on and on. for 12 hours a day :cds:

So,,, you've met them?
Did you like when they didnt believe the doctor and wanted to take a look at the chart themselves?:killingme

At this point I was trying to get into the clothes closet to hid.


We always give a heads up if someone if difficult or annoying. It never goes in the chart because that is for professional notes only. A patient can also request to read their chart at anytime and I would not want to be around when they read "patient is b**ch"


Well-Known Member
We can tell when "The Doctors" is a repeat because calls to the office drop 20%. LOL! Just kidding but really, between TV and the internet.... "Know it alls" in every field have gone up exponentially.

Are you talking about me :drama:


Seriously though everytime I go in there and your wifey tells me what is actually wrong with me (well other than being a hypochondriac :crazy: person) I ALWAYS respond... "are you serious???? Thats it?? You sure??" She probably thinks I am a freakin whack job :lmao:

I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall in you alls house after a hard day at the office :roflmao:


Dream Stealer
We always give a heads up if someone if difficult or annoying. It never goes in the chart because that is for professional notes only. A patient can also request to read their chart at anytime and I would not want to be around when they read "patient is b**ch"

:killingme I have seen it ..just couched in really nice "family is very concerned about pt's NPO status" or something to that affect. You're right's usually in report..not the chart itself.


USMC 1983-1995
OMG - my sister (psycho sister #1) is the proverbial PITA family member! We've literally warned hospital staff that she was coming. :roflmao:

I'm so glad none of my family's (except hubby & kids) been around for any of my hospitalizations.


Well-Known Member


Would you have guessed we don't talk about any medical stuff? We talk about the business side or if some one told her to tell me "Hi" but that is about it, I can't stomach it!!

Every one that comes to her office has her cell phone number, she knows she has to go in another room to talk to them or I'll lose my cookies. Driving down the road, we'll pull in to WaWa so I can run in and get a candy bar. If its raining, she'll blink the lights when I can get back in the car. LOL!! She mentions lancing a boil or repacking a wound, I won't be able to eat the rest of the day! Last night at dinner a 2 year old hiccuped in front of me, little dribble came out, and the Walls Bakery eclair I was looking forward to eating all day didn't get touched. I went to bed hungry.

You as a mommy must think I'm nuts but diapers or spit up? I'm done!

I cant stand barf either :dead: That was one of the reason I left Dr Millers (among other things) They stuck us in a room for a well visit where the previous patient had vommitted everywhere in the room. It smelled so rank, I refused to sit in there.

So you dont ever have :crazy: patients to talk about :lol: I gotta start sending her some of my clients then :evil:


Well-Known Member
Well every so often but I swear you aren't one of them! :whistle:

J/K- she'll tell me some thing or ask my opinion (non-medical) every so often but we don't use names. I couldn't tell you what your name is right now to save my life. I think you are the lady that said hi to me one day when you were going through the door from the hallway to the waiting room (?) but I couldn't pick you out of a line up for a million bucks. If that was you, sorry if I wasn't quite sure who you were since I wasn't on SOMD as much then as I am now. Next time I'll say HI!!! back!

I do home appraisals, I'll tell her about a kitchen I saw or about a house I appraised or some thing along those lines but won't share whos house it was. Identifying information doesn't add any thing to the story to why not just leave it out, kind of the same thing when she tells me some thing.

yeah that was me:howdy:... here is a my pciture to refresh your memory :smile:


  • sarah.jpg
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Well-Known Member
I figured by our conversations that was you and now I'll be able to pick you out of a line up as well! If I see you again and I don't say Hi first it could be because your hair may be little tussled, it gets windy around there some times.


but seriously it was me that day!


Active Member
I agree with Liberty. In a hospital setting majority will tell each other about the patient. In a private clinic setting depending on if the doctor thinks the patients seems the type to sue then yeah everything is documented, not all doctors do it.


Having Fun!
So,,, you've met them?
Did you like when they didnt believe the doctor and wanted to take a look at the chart themselves?:killingme

At this point I was trying to get into the clothes closet to hide.

2 words ---- coffee shop

(great place to hide out!)


Lovin' being Texican
Do doctors put things on the patients chart to warn other doctors that the patients family consists of totally insane know it alls?

I'm asking because after watching my wifes family, as in her two sisters, one brother in law and her mother converse with the doctors about the wifes father, Ive noticed that the doctors are less apt to spend much time, and when they come in to stare at him for the first time they have this look on there face before the assault even begins.

The issue that I see, is that the family members have been watching too many medical shows and as such with the extensive training provided from great medical teachers such as House, Marcus Welby and other great medical men from the television industry.
They suggest causes, tests, and treatments. They get upset when their superior advice is not given. They question if the treatment being given is the best way to handle whatever is going on, they refuse to get out of the way and let the doctors and nurses do their thing.

Now, as I asked, are warnings passed along on the patients chart? since I have been witness to this, if the nurses or doctors recognized me or any of them should I end up in the hospital, will something be written on my chart too?

An astute medical professional would take notice of the family member most embarrassed by such a display and single that person out as "the one to trust" in that situation. Your picture would be taken from the hidden audio-video cameras placed strategically throughout the facility and would be posted inconspicuously throughout the building. Those boxes on the wall that say "sharp hazardous waste" are really photo view boxes into which updates on the behaviors of "the one to trust" are posted each shift.

Just don't ever, and I mean ever, call an ambulance to your home for the rest of your life. You will already be known and some of those 'Chatty Cathy' family members are EMTs.