Any Nurses or doctors out there?


New Member
My grandmother was rushed to the hospital on Thursday w/ severe pain. She leaves on the Eastern Shore so I left work and went over. The doctor said she has pancreatitis. Sometimes I think they just take a part of the body and ad "titis" to it and call it a disease or whatever. However, I did look this up and it stated it was pretty serious. The can not figure out how she got this since it usually occurs with people who have gall stones and she does not have a gall bladder or with heavy drinking. She has not had a drink probably since she was 21!

Anyway, they also said that medications can sometimes cause this. I looked up all of her medications. They were Lisinopril, Hydrochlorot, Metoformin, Glyburide, Vytorin, zoloft, and insulin for her diabetes. When looking these up it states that Glyburide should not be taken by insulin dependant people and 2 of the other drug interaction medications were Hydrochlorot and Metoformin. Now I understand that sometimes the benefit outway the risks but that may be the case w/ 1 conflicting medication but with 3? Does anyone know why the doctor would do this? He is supposed to call me tomorrow so that I can ask.

The hospital in Salisbury is ridiculous if you ask me. Where most hospitals have on call doctors on every floor and the regular physician sees the patient once a day or so, this hospital does not. They only have the regular doctor come see the patients, no on call physicians. I was hoping to get an unbiased explanation from another doctor. The nurses won't tell anything even though I have medical power of attorney. My mom was over there today and they said everything has to go through the doctor. They won't tell me over the phone the results of her tests because they said they can not verify it is truthfully me. I asked them to have her give them a password or something that she could give to me to verify that I am who I say I am. I can not go over there everyday, thats why we have been going in shifts, me, my mom, my aunt and my uncle. Ofcourse if I ask the doctor why he gave her these conflicting medications he is not going to say "Oh I did not know there is an interaction issue" he is going to say there isn't one and since I don't have a PHD how am I supposed to compete with that?


New Member
How about a pharmacist? Do you know the one who filled the perscription? Maybe you could give the list of meds to your pharmacist...I have called ours on weekends when the Drs. office is closed and they have been very helpful. Best wishes to your grandmother!


In My Opinion
Step one. Get her out of that Hospital and into a good medical facility.

I have heard many things about that place, non of them good. My business partner was in there once years ago for a minor thing and they mixed up charts and started getting him ready for a surgery that was meant for another patient.

Step two. If her regular doctor does not see the problem with the meds interaction, then maybe its time to have her switch doctors.

I hope she recovers and gets back to feeling well again.

Fred Hoeck

New Member
In response to your concerns over your grandmother I would like to give you some friendly advice. I am Freds wife and am a Nurse Case Manager at a local hospital. They will not release much information today due to the HIPPA laws which we have implemented over the last two years. We are unable to release medical information on the phone to even spouses. Maybe you can find out the case manager/discharge planner at Salisbury and they may be able to help you on a case by case basis. This will give you a contact person to call when you have concerns. The illness your grandmother can come from many sources, but all medications can be toxic to organs in large doses. I would speak to the primary care physician frequently and set up a time to meet with him/her or discuss the case via telephone as needed. Please give your grandmother our love and prayers.


New Member
Thanks for all your help!

I spoke w/ her Primary today. He said that he gives those med combinations all the time and there was no problem w/ her taking it w/ the insulin. Makes no sense to me.
I am going to go to the pharmacy w/ the list tomorrow and see what they say.

As far as moving her to another hospital but I doubt she will. Although she is 79, she is very independant and "with it" she still works a fulltime job. She moved to Chincoteague 10 years ago and all of her family is up here in Md. She moved there so she could be indepedant without having to rely on anyone. My grandfather on the other hand, has the early stages of alzheimers. But my grandmother is a fiesty old women who refuses to be told what to do or how to do it. I know she would not even consider moving to another hospital.

Today they told me the pancreatic levels are normal but the cat scan showed that there was still an inflimation in the pancreatic duct and they also noticed a "cyst" on her kidney which is unrelated. They said once she is fully hydrated, they will be taking a scope down her throat and they will also be doing a test to be sure that the kidney problem is a cyst and not a tumor. Looks like she will be in there for another few days.

Thanks again for everyones help!