any other bright ideas



so what else has bush done that is so great? what about the money he wants to spend so ppl dont get a divorce and such?? i think that money could be spent elsewhere:biggrin:


Not dead yet.
So, divorce is good? Why not encourage marriage and families? If families are so bad how about we outlaw marriage?

What would you rather see "the money" spent on? How much money is it? Is it a change in spending, or just the removal of a tax penalty on poor married people?

Please 'splain your position, I'm not sure what you are driving at.


New Member
Originally posted by libragirl
billions of dollars which can be used elsewhere

Like extinguishing any and all life forms left of center, PETA, the ACLU, Amnesty International, etc etc. :yay:

Oh, and we need to throw some serious coinage towards tort reform too :cussing:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'

If you'd like to seriously debate the issues, please put a little more thought into your posts.

First off, no one is going to listen to you unless you can give facts, figures, and numbers to back up your statements, along with the sources of those facts, figures, and numbers.

Your statements have been very vague. Billions? does that mean 2 billion or 20 billion?

As my old English teacher used to say when I would write my persuasion essays, "State your sources. Be exact."


New Member
Originally posted by sleuth14
If you'd like to seriously debate the issues, please put a little more thought into your posts.

First off, no one is going to listen to you unless you can give facts, figures, and numbers to back up your statements, along with the sources of those facts, figures, and numbers.


and that's why I very rarely post anything serious :cool:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by sleuth14

If you'd like to seriously debate the issues, please put a little more thought into your posts.

First off, no one is going to listen to you unless you can give facts, figures, and numbers to back up your statements, along with the sources of those facts, figures, and numbers.

Your statements have been very vague. Billions? does that mean 2 billion or 20 billion?

As my old English teacher used to say when I would write my persuasion essays, "State your sources. Be exact."

And the same applies to lfquade as well.


Originally posted by sleuth14

If you'd like to seriously debate the issues, please put a little more thought into your posts.

First off, no one is going to listen to you unless you can give facts, figures, and numbers to back up your statements, along with the sources of those facts, figures, and numbers.

Your statements have been very vague. Billions? does that mean 2 billion or 20 billion?

As my old English teacher used to say when I would write my persuasion essays, "State your sources. Be exact."
oh my first of all i dont care what anyone thinks anymore you can say whatever who are you to tell me to put more thought into to welp my job here is done were not high tech ppl with all the answers you might think you have the answers but then again you may not be normal like the rest of us ? good day thank you


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by libragirl
oh my first of all i dont care what anyone thinks anymore you can say whatever who are you to tell me to put more thought into to welp my job here is done were not high tech ppl with all the answers you might think you have the answers but then again you may not be normal like the rest of us ? good day thank you

Oh dear God. :banghead: What's frightening libragirl is that you are allowed to vote. :banghead:


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by libragirl
oh my first of all i dont care what anyone thinks anymore you can say whatever who are you to tell me to put more thought into to welp my job here is done were not high tech ppl with all the answers you might think you have the answers but then again you may not be normal like the rest of us ? good day thank you

habla englis?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'll play with you, libragirrrrrrl.

Originally posted by libragirl
so what else has bush done that is so great?
All I required Bush to do was lower my taxes and not get bj's from the interns in the Oval Office. He did me one better by invading Iraq and getting rid of Saddam Hussein, then convincing Khaddafi to lay down. This is much more than his two predecessors were able to accomplish. Now he wants to revive the space program and I'm so happy I could pee!

Originally posted by libragirl
what about the money he wants to spend so ppl dont get a divorce and such?? i think that money could be spent elsewhere
It's been proven over and over that the best way to combat child poverty is for them to grow up in a two-parent household. Anyone who is serious about caring for the children of the US is all for programs designed to keep families intact.

Where would you rather see the money spent? *"come into my parlor," said the spider to the fly*


Originally posted by libragirl
oh my first of all i dont care what anyone thinks anymore you can say whatever who are you to tell me to put more thought into to welp my job here is done were not high tech ppl with all the answers you might think you have the answers but then again you may not be normal like the rest of us ? good day thank you


Sorry about that chief.
Libragirl you can't argue with them. No matter how intelligent and logical you make your arguments they will not listen. More closed minded then liberals these board regulars are, and worse they think love comes out of the barrel of a gun and Rush didn't really do drugs. They are all old and stuck in their ways and nothing you can do or say will change them. Bush could be found pleasuring himself to a photo of Saddam in chains but it wouldn't faze their love for him.

If you want to get them the only thing is to play the gadfly a-la Sew crates. Send up the blood pressure and let them sit back and post in their dark rooms to espouse "intelligence" found on various right wing publications and websites, ain't an original thought come from most of them yet.

I realize you are young, open minded and see things you think are wrong and want to change them. Well, they won't change in a hurry sis but don't let that get you down, eventually things do when all the old ones die off, be more cynical and less starry eyed, serve you well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by jlabsher
No matter how intelligent and logical you make your arguments they will not listen.
In the 6 years these forums have been active, I've seen only a handful of intelligent arguments from liberals. Of this handful, not a single one has been logical.

Please find me just ONE of libragirl's posts that has been remotely logical or intelligent. Just one.