Any other cancer survivers-fighters here?


Oldie w/newbie name
Thought it might be nice to have a support thread to encourage each other to keep up the fight. I can't really talk to my family about it, they don't understand what is going on in my thoughts and feelings.. blah blah blah.

I have Leukemia by the way, which is managed by a daily oral chemo (Gleevec). I was in remission for 7 months but for some reason it's reared it's ugly head again and it's been 5 months now trying to get my blood count back to reasonably normal.

Anyone else?


Obama destroyed America
Thought it might be nice to have a support thread to encourage each other to keep up the fight. I can't really talk to my family about it, they don't understand what is going on in my thoughts and feelings.. blah blah blah.

I have Leukemia by the way, which is managed by a daily oral chemo (Gleevec). I was in remission for 7 months but for some reason it's reared it's ugly head again and it's been 5 months now trying to get my blood count back to reasonably normal.

Anyone else?
I don't have the disease but support you fully. Many do get better and you could too. Why doesn't your family understand?


Well-Known Member
Thought it might be nice to have a support thread to encourage each other to keep up the fight. I can't really talk to my family about it, they don't understand what is going on in my thoughts and feelings.. blah blah blah.

I have Leukemia by the way, which is managed by a daily oral chemo (Gleevec). I was in remission for 7 months but for some reason it's reared it's ugly head again and it's been 5 months now trying to get my blood count back to reasonably normal.

Anyone else?

Not me, but my Dad is going through a tough time again; and that's putting it lightly.
He has Esthesioneuroblastoma. He was treated a few years ago; the whole bit; chemo, radiation and surgery; only for it to come back this year. This all started back in '03.....I think. This will be the third or fourth go round with this "rare" cancer.
Now, he is waiting for some kind of approval for a new treatment @ G'town to reduce the size of the tumor, which is visibly behind his left eye; it noticably bulges now; thing is, in the surgery portion of this new treatment process, Dad was told he would lose his left eye.
Somewhat ironic for someone who used his eyes to earn a living. Things like this:


  • DAD'S F-18 PIC.jpg
    DAD'S F-18 PIC.jpg
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PREMO Member
Thought it might be nice to have a support thread to encourage each other to keep up the fight. I can't really talk to my family about it, they don't understand what is going on in my thoughts and feelings.. blah blah blah.

I have Leukemia by the way, which is managed by a daily oral chemo (Gleevec). I was in remission for 7 months but for some reason it's reared it's ugly head again and it's been 5 months now trying to get my blood count back to reasonably normal.

Anyone else?
I hope you get better soon.

Be strong!


Oldie w/newbie name
Wow.. thanks everyone! What I meant by the family.. they don't understand why I'm tired an hour after waking up. or that some days I can eat, and some days everything makes me sick to even smell. I cry most times when they search for a vein to do the monthly blood test, the veins KNOW when a needle is coming.. bastards.. LOL

DEEKAYPEE8569.. my heart goes out to your father and your family. You're all in my thoughts.
Wow.. thanks everyone! What I meant by the family.. they don't understand why I'm tired an hour after waking up. or that some days I can eat, and some days everything makes me sick to even smell. I cry most times when they search for a vein to do the monthly blood test, the veins KNOW when a needle is coming.. bastards.. LOL

DEEKAYPEE8569.. my heart goes out to your father and your family. You're all in my thoughts.
I think your family understands... it's just that they can't do a dayum thing about it so they don't know how to react.... do they pamper and "there there" you or do the try to fire you up like drill instructor and tell you to knock it off and "fight fight fight"... hang in there and take 'em with a grain of salt...:huggy:


Well-Known Member
Wow.. thanks everyone! What I meant by the family.. they don't understand why I'm tired an hour after waking up. or that some days I can eat, and some days everything makes me sick to even smell. I cry most times when they search for a vein to do the monthly blood test, the veins KNOW when a needle is coming.. bastards.. LOL

DEEKAYPEE8569.. my heart goes out to your father and your family. You're all in my thoughts.

Thank you. :everythingcrossedthatIcancross:


Well-Known Member
I think your family understands... it's just that they can't do a dayum thing about it so they don't know how to react.... do they pamper and "there there" you or do the try to fire you up like drill instructor and tell you to knock it off and "fight fight fight"... hang in there and take 'em with a grain of salt...:huggy:

Mom is the one that shares in the fight. Some days Dad feels like crap and has even uttered the words 'I give up,' but that just pizzes Mom off, so she starts yelling; then things calm down a bit. On the better side, Dad has said, 'I'm gonna fight it;' of course that on the days when he feels more like himself.

Me, all I can do; and I've voiced this; "If there's something you need done, all you have to say is, 'go do it.'"
That is about all the support I can render in this situation; other than taking them to the hospital at O'dark thirty in the morning if Dad gets to feeling really bad. I've done that a few times already and I will do it again without question or hesitation.

There's no Drill Instructor or pampering; just something a tad bit before Drill Instructor.
Mom just makes sure Dad has what he needs for home treatment; makes sure he uses it, and keeps the hospital/Dr. visits straight.
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Oldie w/newbie name
I do admit to being a whiny buttmunch sometimes.

Then I see the younger people in my doctors office and I grow some balls again. I have a bone marrow test due soon, and I'm sure I'll be here or on Facebook whining like a baby.

The one thing I know about this board, you guys tell it like it is. And when I'm being whiny, I expect to be called out on it. :D


Active Member
I do admit to being a whiny buttmunch sometimes.

Then I see the younger people in my doctors office and I grow some balls again. I have a bone marrow test due soon, and I'm sure I'll be here or on Facebook whining like a baby.

The one thing I know about this board, you guys tell it like it is. And when I'm being whiny, I expect to be called out on it. :D
You have all the rights in the world to be whiney! Knowing that you have a serious condition gives you that right. It's scary! I am an 18 year survivor, and I am one to think that only another cancer patient truly understands what you are going through. However, care takers may too. Hang in there, and whine all you want. I don't think anyone will call you out on it.


Oldie w/newbie name
Sorry I haven't been on in a while.. fighting any form of cancer is a test of your strength...and patience. It's been three months since i started this post and just finished a month battle with the insurance company because they raised the co pay to something out of this world. A lot of paperwork between the manufacturer for co pay assistance and my doctors office and yesterday they approved a reduced cost. Not the best, but it's way better then what they originally tried to get. SO.. on that note, back on oral chemo and we're off to the races!!

Have to get better now, hubby bought me a jeep and it's my dream vehicle. :D Gonna have some fun now!

Roman: Thank you and (hugs)


Well-Known Member
Not me, but my Dad is going through a tough time again; and that's putting it lightly.
He has Esthesioneuroblastoma. He was treated a few years ago; the whole bit; chemo, radiation and surgery; only for it to come back this year. This all started back in '03.....I think. This will be the third or fourth go round with this "rare" cancer.
Now, he is waiting for some kind of approval for a new treatment @ G'town to reduce the size of the tumor, which is visibly behind his left eye; it noticably bulges now; thing is, in the surgery portion of this new treatment process, Dad was told he would lose his left eye.
Somewhat ironic for someone who used his eyes to earn a living. Things like this:

Sadly, beyond belief.....

Gone three weeks as of today.....I don't know about anyone else in the family but I still cannot process it.

The clinical trial started after my quoted post. It didn't work. :burning:

Sadly, beyond belief.....

Gone three weeks as of today.....I don't know about anyone else in the family but I still cannot process it.

The clinical trial started after my quoted post. It didn't work. :burning:


It's been my observation that around the third month is when it finally will hit you like a ton of bricks and you will start to truly process it... don't force it and don't fight it. You pretty much have to go through the stages of grieving and if you try to fight it you'll just prolong the process. Hang in there, DKP, you will never get over the void your dad has left behind but you WILL come to accept it and move on. It just takes time.


Active Member
Sorry I haven't been on in a while.. fighting any form of cancer is a test of your strength...and patience. It's been three months since i started this post and just finished a month battle with the insurance company because they raised the co pay to something out of this world. A lot of paperwork between the manufacturer for co pay assistance and my doctors office and yesterday they approved a reduced cost. Not the best, but it's way better then what they originally tried to get. SO.. on that note, back on oral chemo and we're off to the races!!

Have to get better now, hubby bought me a jeep and it's my dream vehicle. :D Gonna have some fun now!

Roman: Thank you and (hugs)
Welcome back rottenred! Many hugs to you also.


Had my last BCG/chemo for bladder cancer the last day of July. That was the worst to date, but started feeling better last month. Went and got my colonoscopy on Nov 12. Had my colon cancer surgery on Nov 24.
Came home yesterday afternoon. The plan is for me to poop thru my tummy for the next three months, then get another surgery to get my plumbing hooked back up. Cancer is a nasty foe, but can be beaten with help from modern medicine, faith and strong will to beat it. Beat it I will!


Active Member
Had my last BCG/chemo for bladder cancer the last day of July. That was the worst to date, but started feeling better last month. Went and got my colonoscopy on Nov 12. Had my colon cancer surgery on Nov 24.
Came home yesterday afternoon. The plan is for me to poop thru my tummy for the next three months, then get another surgery to get my plumbing hooked back up. Cancer is a nasty foe, but can be beaten with help from modern medicine, faith and strong will to beat it. Beat it I will!
Grandpa, I am happy that you seem to be in good spirits. Cancer can take the wind out of you, that's for sure. Since my diagnosis in May of 96, there are times that the simplest of aches scares the crap out of me. It's always good to talk to someone about it, especially ones that have had it before. Best of luck to you.