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missperky said:
Mom2threebabies said:I'm just wondering.....I don't see many on this forum
missperky said:
Mom2threebabies said:
missperky said:
Mom2threebabies said:
I am a mama/momma but I'm not crunchy, I amMousebaby said:I support breastfeeding and maybe the cloth diaper movement but the rest of that is just too weird!
hborror said:OH ok TY..No I am not a crunchy mom I may nurse my baby but I don't do it in public.....
hborror said:Why didn't you just title thread "are there any other hippie mamas in So MD?"
Mousebaby said:I support breastfeeding and maybe the cloth diaper movement but the rest of that is just too weird!
missperky said:I do not have a problem with women who nurse in public, they gotta eat too.