Any other practicing Buddhists around?


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Just googled it, and here were some jokes on one site that encourages people to poke some fun at itself:

Three children were talking about their religions.
"I'm a Catholic," said one, "And our symbol is the cross."
"I'm Jewish," said the second, "And our symbol is the Star of David."
The third child said, "I'm a Unitarian Universalist and our symbol is a candle in a cocktail glass!"

A Unitarian Universalist dies, and on the way to the afterlife encounters a fork in the road with two options: The left path has a sign "to heaven;" while the right has a sign "to a discussion of heaven." Without pausing, the UU turns right, to the discussion of heaven.

This site should help:
Depends on your definition of practicing. I attempt to practice the basic tenets of Buddhism. I practice meditation as well. As I am sure you are aware, but want to state this for those who may not be, Buddhism (and Meditation) is not about escaping from reality but understanding reality and experiencing it viscerally - in this very moment and every moment in your life, as long as life continues.

There is only the here and now for all of us. The here and now is the only thing that exists. There is nowhere to go, there is nothing else to be, no destination - no afterlife. The past no longer exists and the future is an illusion.

Nirvana is not something to be attained. It exists right now for all of us if we can embrace it. Meditation is not done to detach oneself from reality, but to connect to it.

We are made of energy and matter of the Universe. The true reality is that You are the Universe. And the capacity for enlightenment and connection to the Universe and all energy and matter, including all sentient beings, already exists within all of us.


New Member
Thanks for the replies everyone. To clarify my first post, the UU congregation in Annapolis hosts the Mindfulness Practice Group of Annapolis, a zen sangha in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. If there was enough interest in the local area, I would not mind having a meetup for group meditation and a book study or YouTube dharma talk and discussion. The yoga studio in Hollywood (Wildewood) has meditation once a month, but it is not in a Buddhist tradition. Cheers everyone!


New Member
Depends on your definition of practicing. I attempt to practice the basic tenets of Buddhism. I practice meditation as well. As I am sure you are aware, but want to state this for those who may not be, Buddhism (and Meditation) is not about escaping from reality but understanding reality and experiencing it viscerally - in this very moment and every moment in your life, as long as life continues.

There is only the here and now for all of us. The here and now is the only thing that exists. There is nowhere to go, there is nothing else to be, no destination - no afterlife. The past no longer exists and the future is an illusion.

Nirvana is not something to be attained. It exists right now for all of us if we can embrace it. Meditation is not done to detach oneself from reality, but to connect to it.

We are made of energy and matter of the Universe. The true reality is that You are the Universe. And the capacity for enlightenment and connection to the Universe and all energy and matter, including all sentient beings, already exists within all of us.

And thank you from all of us for this summary :)


New Member
I gave him a twenty and started walking away. He said, "Don't you want your change?" I said, "Change comes from the inside."