any rainfall amounts?

How much does everyone think we have so far? I was outside this morning emptying a bucket not covered, and there had to have been 3 or 4 inches in there.....


lulu belle said:
How much does everyone think we have so far? I was outside this morning emptying a bucket not covered, and there had to have been 3 or 4 inches in there.....

In St. Leonard I saw some ice mixed in with the rain. Coming down pretty hard and sounds like rocks hitting the windshield.


"Fluffy world destroyer"
Just enough to where I needed to install the flotation devices on my car this morning. My yard is now a lake.


New Member
lulu belle said:
How much does everyone think we have so far? I was outside this morning emptying a bucket not covered, and there had to have been 3 or 4 inches in there.....

so you got about 3 inches last night?


Great Mills Rd
lulu belle said:
How much does everyone think we have so far? I was outside this morning emptying a bucket not covered, and there had to have been 3 or 4 inches in there.....

Almost 2 inches of rain since yesterday in Leonardtown.