Any W.A.S.P. fans ???


Has confinement issues..
JAXX Concert Hall and Night Club

I have tickets for this Saturday night!!! :dude:
Six bands

W.A.S.P will be playing two sets!! :larry:
THE CRIMSON IDOL in it's entirety and I'm told that the MTV movie of the same name will be shown for the first time in the U.S.


Support local musicians!::larry: Post or PM if interested.
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Has confinement issues..
After I got the call, I was feeling nostalgic, so I watch Blotzer get Schnachered in the pool on The Decline of Western Civilization.

I can't say I miss the hair and makeup, but :dude: F*ck Like a Beast!!!! :lol:

CP from Kneel To Zod talked to Smokin' Joe (97.7 Rocket) and they mentioned that KTZ playing at Jaxx
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