Anybody but Kerry!


Football season!
Please dems, find other people to run in 2004 than Kerry.. Just sitting throught the primaries with him on will be awful.. And if somehow gets the dem ticket, oh my god.. This guy makes Reagan look like a wild and crazy guy.. And that hair.. Does it ever move???? I think we should start trying to reproduce that stuff to put on our planes and armored tanks.. You could cut diamonds with that head! So please please please, find more people!

Anyways, Happy Holidays! :cheers:


New Member
I agree, anyone but Kerry. He has a kiss of death...Bush would trounce him. Too liberal to get elected. Go Edwards!!


New Member
Welcome back smcdem

I understand that you love the liberals...but guess what he won't win. I want a liberal nominee too, but of all things I want Bush out of the White House. Pick someone who can do this and represent 90% of our views rather than someone who represents 100% of our views who will lose.


endangered species
Wesley Clark?

The departure of former vice-president Al Gore from the 2004 presidential race opens the door for lesser-known candidates. One possibility: General Wesley Clark, the former supreme allied commander who ran President Bill Clinton’s Kosovo War. Although Clark told CNN last month that he wasn’t a candidate, Gore’s departure could change all that. In recent months, the general has been quietly meeting with Democratic donors in Los Angeles and New York. Back in October, he made a brief foray into New Hampshire to endorse Democratic congressional candidate Katrina Swett. " He is taking a very serious, hard look at it, " says one supporter. " I know it’s something he wants to do. "

Clark visited Boston back in October and expressed concern about a potential war with Iraq. " Force is not a substitute for diplomacy, " he told the Boston Globe’s Scot Lehigh. " We should act multilaterally whenever we can and unilaterally only when we must. "


New Member
I think that Clark would be a solid candidate in the general election...but I dunno, having a general as a nominee sounds too much like a military dictatorship nation.