Anybody else see this?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Barely a slap on the wrist.

$719k fine for $3million+ in illegal contributions? :lmao: They'll hardly notice. The fines should have been $3 for every $1 in contributions then blindfolds and a post for every senior member at dawn!

Aarrrrrrrrggggggh! :burning: If I ever become Emperor...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The point is that for all these years the Dems and their evil minions have been denying that Clinton/Gore took illegal campaign money. Carville/Begala/McAuliffe have been very strident about the "lies" that Clinton/Gore took money from the Chinese and other foreign interests.

"Those penalized included the Democratic National Committee, the Clinton-Gore campaign, the Buddhist temple and nearly two dozen people and corporations acting as conduits for illegal contributions. All have agreed to pay, according to the documents...."

So we find out it wasn't a vast right-wing conspiracy after all. So now we have our President taking money from hostile Communist nations. What did they get in exchange for that money?

That effer Clinton should have been removed from office and imprisoned for treason.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And now we're starting to get a money trail...

"But the money used to make the contribution was provided by Sheik Mohammed Oboud Al-Amoudi, a Saudi citizen, who wired $150,000 to the company. The company used this money for the donation "even though its officers had been informed that foreign national contributions are illegal," the election commission found.

Mr. Cooper said the documents provided further evidence of the tactics Democratic operatives used to raise money before the 1996 elections.

"Here, we're dealing with wire transfers and shuffling money to accounts," he said. "What is going on here is warning bells are going off all over the place."


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
The point is that for all these years the Dems and their evil minions have been denying that Clinton/Gore took illegal campaign money. Carville/Begala/McAuliffe have been very strident about the "lies" that Clinton/Gore took money from the Chinese and other foreign interests...

...So we find out it wasn't a vast right-wing conspiracy after all. So now we have our President taking money from hostile Communist nations. What did they get in exchange for that money?

That effer Clinton should have been removed from office and imprisoned for treason.
I got the point. I just think that when the case is made by the FEC it should be accompanied by a suitable sentence. Say... Carville, Begala, McAuliffe and the Clinton/Gore Team tried, Convicted and hung at dawn for Treason.

More wishful thinking on my part.

The Riahdi's or however their names are spelled received a bonanza. Clinton/Dems introduced a law requiring low sulphur coal to be phased in starting in 2002 and then they took the Utah find (2nd largest deposit of low sulphur coal to date) off the table using the EO privilege and seizing the land for the Federal Government. It now can't be extracted unless Bush undoes it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My conspiracy theory proclivities are going into overtime on this. That's what happens when you lie - now everything you say becomes suspect.

What really caught my attention is this:
"But the money used to make the contribution was provided by Sheik Mohammed Oboud Al-Amoudi, a Saudi citizen, who wired $150,000 to the company."

We know that most of the 9-11 terrorists were Saudis. Why would a Saudi "citizen" make a contribution to Bill Clinton's campaign? Are we going to find out that Iraq contributed to the Clinton campaign as well? We already know what the Chinese got out of the deal - missle launching technology. What did the Saudis get? Maybe flight lessons?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
What did the Saudis get? Maybe flight lessons?

Naw, they had to pay for the flight lessons. Money isn't much of a problem for them.

What they got was unprecedented and easy access to Visas to come into the country. Bush is already seeing to it that this is curtailed.