Anybody Else.....


Well-Known Member
.....feel like they're being thumped on the forehead with a hammer today?

I know it's sinus crap; must be all the overcast today; weather must be on it's way. That's usually when I get this type of headache.

I take Tylenol Sinus for this type of thing and it helps.....usually.

Just wondering if I was the only one.....
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New Member
.....feel like they're being thumped on the forehead with a hammer today?

I know it's sinus crap; must be all the overcast today; weather must be on it's way. That's usually when I get this type of headache.

I take Tylenol Sinus for this type of thing and it helps.....usually.

Just wondering if I was the only one.....

No, your not the only one. My headache started yesterday and still hurting today along with my throat. Keep poppin' pills...hope they start working soon!


Thats how them b*tch's R
My started this morning. Started popping Sudafed. I've been popping so much of that the past 3 weeks or so along with Tylenol I'm gonna end up with liver damage.


Active Member
.....feel like they're being thumped on the forehead with a hammer today?

I know it's sinus crap; must be all the overcast today; weather must be on it's way. That's usually when I get this type of headache.

I take Tylenol Sinus for this type of thing and it helps.....usually.

Just wondering if I was the only one.....

That sounds like sinus however, it if is an ongoing pain where meds are not doing anything you may want to get your ethmoid(sp) nerve checked.


Active Member
I have severe allergies year round. Yesterday, I was experiencing chest pain and had to use my inhaler. I also upped my dose of Sudafed, which is getting more and more difficult to find in the stores.

The staff in the office of allergy doc, Simlote, told me that some type of tree is blooming. They are seeing more traffic through the office. People only seem to be finding relief with the over-the-counter product called Delsym.

I hope you guys feel better soon. :huggy:


Going back to the stars
i had this same problem too for like three days. I took a prescribed migraine pill, sudafed, benedryl, aleve. Finally I went to the store and looked around, ended up with Excedrin Tension Headache and that finally took the edge off. I wish the weather would make up its mind!