anybody going to ride in the tour de solomons?


Well-Known Member
The boy (15) and i are looking at the 100K, but if it rains we will probably do the 65 instead.
Its nice that they are setting up for a 17K, that will make it much more of a family event.


Midnightrider said:
The boy (15) and i are looking at the 100K, but if it rains we will probably do the 65 instead.
Its nice that they are setting up for a 17K, that will make it much more of a family event.

I still plan on carrying my cell just incase I get tired and have to call a cab. :lmao:

I rode a bunch this past week and my legs were killing me. I'm so out of shape. :ohwell:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I worked it last year and they had a great turnout on an absolutely spectacular day. :clap: It was very well run with only a few hiccups, which they've addressed with a lot of "lessons learned" meetings. The SBA has been preparing for it for months and are really hoping for a great turnout this year.

I'm going to miss it this year, though. My nephew is getting married on that day over on the Eastern Shore. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
jazz lady said:
I worked it last year and they had a great turnout on an absolutely spectacular day. :clap: It was very well run with only a few hiccups, which they've addressed with a lot of "lessons learned" meetings. The SBA has been preparing for it for months and are really hoping for a great turnout this year.

I'm going to miss it this year, though. My nephew is getting married on that day over on the Eastern Shore. :ohwell:

Glad to hear it will be well done, the last one i rode in (NC) was very sweet and all the stops had plenty of good food. They even had virgin daquiris (sp) at one of the sag stops. Only problem we found was that the 100K ride was about 69 miles, just a few miles extra, but when youre counting 'em down to the end its a little dissapointing relizing youre not "there yet" after you hit about 65.


Midnightrider said:
Glad to hear it will be well done, the last one i rode in (NC) was very sweet and all the stops had plenty of good food. They even had virgin daquiris (sp) at one of the sag stops. Only problem we found was that the 100K ride was about 69 miles, just a few miles extra, but when youre counting 'em down to the end its a little dissapointing relizing youre not "there yet" after you hit about 65.

I did a bike race with a boyfriend and his sister many years ago in the mountains of Virginia... forget the name of it but I still have the t-shirt... It was fun but when you are going up the mountains breathing was very hard and difficult. His sister and I decided to just get off the bikes and walk and smoke and then she knew someone in a truck driving by... he threw our bikes in the back, we went out to eat and then he dropped us off close to the finish line. We came in somewhere in the middle of the pack :clap:


jazz lady said:
Actually, I had a lot of fun. I got a little sunburnt, but other than that it was a wonderful day all around. :yay:

Who said you were a friend? :shrug:


Who said I would ask you? :neener:

:roflmao: :smoochy:


Well-Known Member
dems4me said:
Who said I would ask you? :neener:

:roflmao: :smoochy:
if there is going to be a cat fight in my thread, i must insist that you start with the hair pulling, and THEN move on to pulling off each others tops.
when you two decide to start kissing is totally up to you :kiss:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
if there is going to be a cat fight in my thread, i must insist that you start with the hair pulling, and THEN move on to pulling off each others tops.
when you two decide to start kissing is totally up to you :kiss:
:twitch: Ain't going to happen. I'm not in the market for a toaster oven, TYVM. :razz:


jazz lady said:
:twitch: Ain't going to happen. I'm not in the market for a toaster oven, TYVM. :razz:

:ohwell: I've never been called THAT before... :ohwell:

Guess that means I'm really hot... :dance: