Anyone Else Watch American Dad Last Night?



I thought that show was pretty darn funny, especially God calling George Bush...

Bush: "Yes God, what can I do for you?"
God: "Well George, I was just calling to ask that you quit telling people that I'm telling you to do things. I don't think it looks good."
Bush: "Why sure God, no problem. I'll..."
Sound of Call Waiting beeps
God: "Sorry George, I gotta take this. Cheney's calling."
God hangs up on Bush and then says to Cheney "Yes Sir?" :lmao:


Super Genius
Yeah, I thought it was funny because it poked fun at both sides of the political spectrum. The phone call with God was great. :killingme


Where are my pants?
I thought it was a poor imitation of Family Guy. Very contrived and gimmicky...though I can hope that it was due in part to the fact that it was the only the premier episode. :ohwell:

And I had such high hopes for it, too.....


Active Member
I watched it for a few minutes, didnt make me chuckle so i played Halo2

The guys looks like joe + quagmire with legs that function... I think ill stick to family guy, futurauma and adult swim for funny cartoons


Bruzilla said:
I thought that show was pretty darn funny, especially God calling George Bush...

It simply looked to me like they were trying to be as offensive as possible without actually "crossing the line".

It seemed like this was actually more of the primary focus rather than the actual jokes. Now, normally I'm all for offensive, demeaning, deplorable, deragotory trash-talking, oversexed, sarcastic TV.

Unfortunately, I thought the execution of the above absolutely sucked.

I like actual funny stuff mixed in with my offensive garbage.