Anyone gone crabbing yet?


Lobster Land
From what I've read off of the crabbing board it's still to early. A very few have been trapped but they have been reported as real small thus far. Might have a better day going fishing instead.


In My Opinion
I hear that they are catching them like crazy at the Baltimore Block.

this must be some underwater structure that I am unaware of.


Pitty Party
greggor said:
I'm thinking of heading out today. Anyone had any luck yet or is it still a little too early?

The recreational crab season runs from April 1 through November 30.
Recreational crabbers using collapsible traps and trotlines must take off Wednesdays.
No license is required for recreational crabbing, but sport crabbers can catch only one bushel of crabs a day per person, or two bushels per boat.
It is illegal to possess an egg-bearing (sponge) crab in Maryland.
Recreational crabbers cannot set or fish a trotline or collapsible trap within 100 feet of a commercial trotline.
Recreational crabbers cannot sell crabs without a commercial license.

I hear in the Restaurants that the crabs are fat and sweet. I'll let you know when I get back this evening from dinner. :yum:


New Member
im thinking hubby who is a commercial crabber will be trying trotlining in a week or so.... might still be to early in the patuxent yet????


New Member
Crabbing in Benedict, MD?

Any crabbers out there? I was looking to go crabbing tomorrow. I heard Benedcit Pier (Benedict, MD) was a good place... but when I try to find Benedict Pier I only come up with Benedict Marina. Is this the same place? Also, what's a good time to go? Morning, afternoon, evening?

Or if you know somewhere else I'd appreciate the info. Just a novice crabber here, using a ring net & line. No crab pots.



kniteowl said:
Any crabbers out there? I was looking to go crabbing tomorrow. I heard Benedcit Pier (Benedict, MD) was a good place... but when I try to find Benedict Pier I only come up with Benedict Marina. Is this the same place? Also, what's a good time to go? Morning, afternoon, evening?

Or if you know somewhere else I'd appreciate the info. Just a novice crabber here, using a ring net & line. No crab pots.


I always thought it was a bit crowded there. Try Denis Point Marina :yay:


New Member
Thanks for the info! Denis Point is 3 times as far though. Maybe I'll just try out Benedict Pier if I can find it, for now.


New Member
I would bet they are the same place. You can blink and drive all the way through Benedict.

I've always found the best time to go early in the morning (around 7 or so) when the tide is moving. I've always gone from a boat with a trotline though, so it may not be the same as with a line and a net.

I went last week and we didn't catch anything. I think we went at the wrong time, but I also heard that crabbing this year is really rough.


asaberan said:
I would bet they are the same place. You can blink and drive all the way through Benedict.

I've always found the best time to go early in the morning (around 7 or so) when the tide is moving. I've always gone from a boat with a trotline though, so it may not be the same as with a line and a net.

I went last week and we didn't catch anything. I think we went at the wrong time, but I also heard that crabbing this year is really rough.

psssttt, the tide isn't always moving at 7 :lol:


New Member
Jameo said:
psssttt, the tide isn't always moving at 7 :lol:

The tide does move at 7 am. I've seen it with my own eyes numerous times, including yesterday. Not to mention this information comes to me from someone who has been crabbing the Patuxent for 40 years.



asaberan said:
The tide does move at 7 am. I've seen it with my own eyes numerous times, including yesterday. Not to mention this information comes to me from someone who has been crabbing the Patuxent for 40 years.


Well I've live on the Patuxent for 30 yrs and sometimes at 7 am there is a slack tide.


kniteowl said:
Thanks for the info! Denis Point is 3 times as far though. Maybe I'll just try out Benedict Pier if I can find it, for now.

The one I put in at - at Benedict Marina does have a pier, it used to be a quiet place but now lots of folks know abuot it and the ramp is frequently busy, but not as bad as Hallowing poing across the way (the pier on Calvert side of the bridge). To get there, take 231 and turn on Benedict (by the Smoky the Bear wooden thing that tells you level of forest fire threat or something) once you are on that road take your first right (at the church) - don't remember the name of it, but stay on it. You will come to a stop sign by a firehouse take another right... follow that road all the way to the end and you will end up at the marina restaurant and the peir that is about 40 yards past the restaurant called Benedict Marina. Its a 5.00 ramp fee and based on honor system. Hope that helps some. :smile: Good luck! I fish my crabs out with bottom rigs on fishing poles and net them.
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Flip Flops Rule!
BadGirl said:
$150.00 per bushel. :bawl:


On Sat. I had AYCE crabs, beer,hot dogs, hamburgers,corn on the cob and fried chicken for $25. per person :yum: :faint:
But it was on the Eastern Shore at the Caroline Co. Moose Lodge. :lol: They grow a lot of corn over there :razz:


We've been several times ... No luck at all. Worst year I have ever seen. Oh! I caught a baby mitten crab from Solomons Rec center. Very sad.