I'm interested in getting my first big-screen TV. Based on my research on the web and what I've seen at Best Buy and Circuit City, I've decided on the Sony 60 inch SXRD. Does anyone on this board have this model or the 50 inch version? How do you like it? Where did you get it?
Note: I've seen opinions on AV forums such as avsforum.com -- I'm hoping to find someone local.
Thanks for any replies!
I'm interested in getting my first big-screen TV. Based on my research on the web and what I've seen at Best Buy and Circuit City, I've decided on the Sony 60 inch SXRD. Does anyone on this board have this model or the 50 inch version? How do you like it? Where did you get it?
Note: I've seen opinions on AV forums such as avsforum.com -- I'm hoping to find someone local.
Thanks for any replies!