Anyone interested in CRE talk?


New Member
Thought it might be interesting to get into the politics of Chesapeake Ranch Estates again.

It's that time of year again..... ;)

I'm thinking of nominating myself for a spot on the Board again.... whatcha think?

I've been doing this for a long time [longer than JP].... :coffee:


New Member
Well.... I would like to talk about CRE.... and it's that time of year again....

If I were to be President on the Board in CRE there are a few things I would change....

1. I would like to see the Board take an active position to get the documents straightened out... There is talk of Municipality again.... that's a question that should be taken to the membership .... the governing documents need to be cleaned up either way the vote goes....

2. I would like to see the question of "Security" brought to the whole membership for vote.... Back in history, before the gates came down, security was a good idea.... now it's an inefficient expense that should be reorganized.... [or not] The question needs to go to the membership....

3. I would like to see if there is a way to get a Bonded roads project that would allow us to finally just pave the rest of the roads..... White Sands did it using the Special Roads District.... Drum Point and CRE are using the Special Taxing District.... It's time to look at more expedient ways to proceed before the cost of paving becomes even more astronomical....

4. The beaches are looking much better.... The clubhouse looks really nice now.... the upkeep and maintenance work is not done tho....I would like to see the boat launch put back in at the beach.... I'm also interested in putting a skate board park in where the Stables are now... The campgrounds needs some attention to make it more attractive to those who would pay to use it [putting money into the fund for other projects].... AND I would like to do something about that horrible looking upper compound across from the Stables.... It's an eye sore....

While I am happy to report.... the last couple of boards have definitely been following the "more maintenance cost & less operations cost" fiscal approach I have been asking for all these years... there is still a lot to be done that the current President hasn't been able to get to....

If you ask me .... which you didn't.... I think the current President did a good job but I'm wondering if he's burning out.... The job of President of the Board is a difficult one.... it takes a lot of time and energy.... it also takes a lot of time away from the family....

I've been holding a director spot on and off for 13 years now.... Maybe it's time I stepped up to do my few years as President of the Board so that I can finally get these few agenda items taken care of.

I admit it.... I have agenda items.... they are listed above.... and most are boldened....

Just saying.... maybe I should nominate myself for a slot as President of the Board.... since the Nominating Committee didn't even bother to call me and ask if I would consider running for the Director spot again.... :coffee:


Fed Up

I am fed up withthe Board and the HOA. My wife and i have sent numerous e mails to the Board and have yet to get a reply to any questions, suggestions or comments. Hard to get involved when nobody cares


New Member
I am fed up withthe Board and the HOA. My wife and i have sent numerous e mails to the Board and have yet to get a reply to any questions, suggestions or comments. Hard to get involved when nobody cares

I've gotten a couple of emails from members lately. Did you send it to me? Or did you send it to POACRE. Those emails to POACRE don't seem to trickle down very well.

IM me.... let me see what I can do for you...

Oh and I got an email from Travis.... he says for me to stop saying he's burning out..... :buddies:



New Member
So... don't you think there's been more maintenance funding and less operations funding in CRE lately.....

The beaches look good.... the clubhouse looks excellent.... and more roads are getting paved....

Watcha think? :coffee:


New Member
It's a beautiful place to live.... I went to the beach yesterday.... gorgeous day out on the bay.... just beautiful place to live.....

We have great neighbors... our kids have excellent schools with great teachers....

We have not one but 2 grocery stores and lots of good restaurants around the corner but we don't have the big traffic jams like Prince Frederick to the north and California to the south.... Meanwhile our roads are getting better.... our clubhouse is renovated and it looks awesome....

It's a beautiful place to live....

I haven't heard too much from the members on the cliff, lately. They are waiting on the different departments of different govenments [county, state, federal] to all get on the same page and then they can do some work.... When projects get to that phase there's always a slow down....

CRE is a beautiful place to live.... :coffee:


I've gotten a couple of emails from members lately. Did you send it to me? Or did you send it to POACRE. Those emails to POACRE don't seem to trickle down very well.

IM me.... let me see what I can do for you...

Oh and I got an email from Travis.... he says for me to stop saying he's burning out..... :buddies:


I sent the e mails to POACRE. In fact, in one of the news letters, they asked for suggestions and posted the e mail address to send them to. Still no reply. I think the whole stuation is getting to be a waste of time


New Member
I sent the e mails to POACRE. In fact, in one of the news letters, they asked for suggestions and posted the e mail address to send them to. Still no reply. I think the whole stuation is getting to be a waste of time

If I were President of the Board.... I would ask that all the emails be sent to me... and then I would forward them to the rest of the Board and the GM....

If I were President of the Board....I would ask that we announce the next agenda whenever possible so people would have time to make comments or at least get their opinon heard before matters come up for vote...

If I were President of the Board.... I would have a presentation of the projects the Board was trying to work on.... It's one thing to say we want to use money to build a skate park.... but it's quite another to actually go out for prices and design and bring that to the membership....

If I were President of the Board.... I would read the information about a matter involved to those who take the time to come to the meetings.... so everyone would know what we are working on..... If we had the discussion in one meeting, then came back in two weeks [whenever possible] it would give us all time to gather facts and opinions from the members.... so we could make a wiser decision...

If we plan out our future there would not be so many last minute decisions to be made.... I've always wanted a 5 year plan.... something concete.... there are plans but I'd love to see them all on one spread sheet that we could all work with at meetings.... :coffee:

The last couple of Boards have been doing a good job.... the Finance, Facilities, and Activities committees are doing a good job.... We can do better tho.... I'd like to try anyway....

I'd like to bring the question about Security to the membership for vote.....

I'd like to put that boat lauch back in....

I'd like to bring more information to the membership in a number of great ways....

I'd like to give it a try....


New Member
I am president of the board, allow me to respond to your "if I was President...."

If I were President of the Board.... I would ask that all the emails be sent to me... and then I would forward them to the rest of the Board and the GM....
As President I answer the e mails that are appropriate for my level, I let the Staff and GM handle the ones that are meant for them. delegation is Key.

If I were President of the Board....I would ask that we announce the next agenda whenever possible so people would have time to make comments or at least get their opinon heard before matters come up for vote...
The BOD meeting agenda is set 3-5 days before the meeting, then it is put on POACRE.ORG.

If I were President of the Board.... I would have a presentation of the projects the Board was trying to work on.... It's one thing to say we want to use money to build a skate park.... but it's quite another to actually go out for prices and design and bring that to the membership....
We do this work through our committees, the facilities committee, or more specifically me, contacted the skate park companies and we have plans and prices. All we need is the money. For that please reference the next STD that includes $200,000 over the next five years for playgrounds and skateparks. That was my contribution.

If I were President of the Board.... I would read the information about a matter involved to those who take the time to come to the meetings.... so everyone would know what we are working on..... If we had the discussion in one meeting, then came back in two weeks [whenever possible] it would give us all time to gather facts and opinions from the members.... so we could make a wiser decision...
most if not all matters for board discussion and vote have The available information attached to the board package. If more information is needed, then we often table a subject until such time as we can get the right info from the right people.

If we plan out our future there would not be so many last minute decisions to be made.... I've always wanted a 5 year plan.... something concete.... there are plans but I'd love to see them all on one spread sheet that we could all work with at meetings.... :coffee:
We have made efforts to plan long term, finance has done a good job, facilities is trying, as a board, I attempted short and long term goals for the board. These planning sesssions were short lived, partially due to board participation.

The last couple of Boards have been doing a good job.... the Finance, Facilities, and Activities committees are doing a good job.... We can do better tho.... I'd like to try anyway....

I'd like to bring the question about Security to the membership for vote.....the membership did vote several years ago, to keep and fund security. If the membership expresses an interest in revisiting security, we need to do so. Remember that security is in our covanents.

I'd like to put that boat lauch back in....
This boat ramp has been investigated, the cost is in the tens of thousands, it is in the Critical Area, and due to sand bars in the area, any ramp will be limited to very small draft boats. Even given these factors, the Facilities committee can be asked to investigate this once again.

I'd like to bring more information to the membership in a number of great ways....
Since becoming president i haver made the Round Up Times, a monthly publication, and based on an informal survey, 87% of CRE get their news from the RUT. There is CRE facebook page, The "official" one, there are e mail blasts for those that sign up at POACRE.ORG, there is POACRE.ORG, contact info for CRE is in all of these.
I'd like to give it a try....
If the membership chooses to let you "give it a try" then so be it, But I have a proven track reord for the last two years of constant improvement of CRE. I have had ALOT of help from very dedicated volunteers, who continue to volunteer because they believe in the current leadership. I foster and encourage volunteerism in CRE, if I am re elected these volunteers will continue.
please see below for the timelime of some of the accomplishments of CRE: some were my ideas: the Clubhouse overhaul, the pedal boats, 4H archery, Anne Marie Gardens Halloween and a few others. please note that I have attended 90% of CRE BOD meetings, as well as attending the lake bash (2), anne marie garden halloween (2), easter egg hunt, valentines dance, Kids christmas party (2), halloween (2), kite day, trail clearing, young eagles, video game tournaments (3).
Complete BOD actions
August 2010
Roberts rules for all BOD#
Initiated E mail from the BOD#
Fishing contest ##
Awarded dam engineering contract#
Awarded site engineering contract salt bldg.#
Extended lake Lariat season#
Moved meetings to clubhouse
Added mission and vision statement for BOD
Security "blotter" on website
Amended P&P #5
September 2010
Monthly RUT Sept#
Appoint J. Schroeter as VP
Approve construction of salt storage bldg. #
Approval for#Anne marie gardens
Facilities committee kick off
Final payment to Cunningham for whale case
Short term goals set, 0-3 months
Draft EAP from dam engineers
Contacted CMM director
Contacted Drumpoint POA president
Formed lake committee

October 2010
Airport open house
Halloween at the lake
Anne Marie Gardens candy give away
80k loan repaid
Yoga class
Beautification project
Goals update
Met w/county about gww and cliffs

November 2010
Approved purchase of 206 neighborhood watch signs
Microphones for bod meetings
Suggestion box
Approved yoga club
New stables rules approved
Repair field #2 at stables
Approved purchase on new backhoe
Approved one sheet#
Created and approved P&P #32, procedures for creating a CRE club
Stables fee increase to $125 per horse

December 2010
Started clearing trails
Update rules for weapons for 4h archery
Purchased 206 #Neighborhood watch signs
Xmas party w/ santa#
Approved purchase of new plows for new trucks
Handicap ramp for admin bldg. Complete
Received one new truck for roads w/plow
End off duty officers

January 2011
Ruth's miracle home//Member request for group home approved waiving Covenant 1 - GM to send letter of approval
CRE Social Club - Approved
Ballot issues
Annual audit complete/presented to BOD
Received new backhoe
Received second new truck for roads w/plow
Moved Monday meetings to first Wednesday of the month
Blue trail clear, ready to use

#March 2011
Meeting with BOCC
County approval for materials storage building, construction starts
Cub scouts clear trail
Free port a potti for garden area
Reinstate horseshoe club
Ballot count by CPA
Landing and steps repair for lake lariat approved
New copier contract for office
Member meeting , ballot issues discussed
Special audit of Ryan and Cunningham complete
April 2011
Dee Wunder resigns from stables
Dee Wunder made activities chair
Accept contract for D&D homes as presented in the amount of $17,471 for lake lariat steps.
Approve new CRE contract template
Present Mr. Gott a letter of support for his “Green at Lusby Town Center” concept plan.
Allow online voting
Send special audit as well as minutes and attorney billings to our attorney to determine if criminal and/or fiduciary negligence occurred.
Rain barrel workshop
Easter egg hunt

May 2011
Beach bash at the lake
Lake steps complete
Becky business approved
MD 50 club approved
P&p # 22 approved, reduce CH cost and deposit

June 2011
Paddle boats free
Dam repair contract signed
Summer solstice#
New picnic tables at driftwood
New entrance and direction signs
Security becomes CRE Patrol
2011/2012 budget adopted#

July 2011
Floating islands
$87k for facilities
New beach/lake signs
Member meeting

August 2011
4H starts youth archery#
$25 assessment goes out

November 2011
Food for needy families in CRE
Craft Fair
Appoint members to review ballots. Any scaduto, Walter theisen,. Carol cribbs
Approve contract to jw grainier, for campground.
Award Campground debris removal contract to Kelly tree service.
Award roadside debris removal to tricounty#

December 2011
Kids Christmas Party
Food for needy families in CRE
CH screens and fans installed
New security system at admin bldg
Airport to buy materials for new light, airport committee will assemble

January 2012
Cable and Internet at LL,CH,and admin
Bids on CH rehab
RC flying club
Play N Trade game day at CH/Mario cart
book club created
approved bids for CH renovation. #Awarded D&D Homes
approved garden user agreement
John Eney resigns as Airport manager
Bernie Wunder appointed Airport manager
Approved purchase of 2012 Dodge 3500 w/plow for roads. Purchased
Approved purchase of 2006 JD444 wheeled loader. Purchased
Met with county to discuss STD issues
Approved GM contract for 2 years
Airport light material purchased, construction begins

February 2012
Valentines dance
Video game competition-halo reach
CH renovation complete
SWM Grant program, 9 projects sent to county for action
Computer learning club established
CRE horseshoe club annual re-charter
CRE women's club established
MD50 airport club annual re-charter
approved disability parking request at amenities for sick lady#
VP Schroeter is now VTF Liaison
Approved request for Bank to construct Corral Drive to Aardvark

March 2012
Reduce campground fees for members 20%
First look at new rules and regs and bylaws
Approve 2012 pay for campground manager
Received input for #2012 GM goals and objectives
Kite day at seahorse

#Sewing club started
STD petition approved
New mower for maint
video game tournament. Mario Kart and Black Ops Zombies

ballots and meeting for verizon tower
received approx $100,000 in FEMA funds from hurricane.
verizon tower approved by membership


Active Member
If I were President of the Board.... I would ask that all the emails be sent to me... and then I would forward them to the rest of the Board and the GM.... So she can control the information

If I were President of the Board....I would ask that we announce the next agenda whenever possible so people would have time to make comments or at least get their opinion heard before matters come up for vote... We do that already. How are you going to reinvent the wheel Becky?

If I were President of the Board.... I would have a presentation of the projects the Board was trying to work on.... It's one thing to say we want to use money to build a skate park.... but it's quite another to actually go out for prices and design and bring that to the membership.... Check, done that. Need mo' money. How is the treasurer going to make this happen for you Becky?

If I were President of the Board.... I would read the information about a matter involved to those who take the time to come to the meetings.... so everyone would know what we are working on..... If we had the discussion in one meeting, then came back in two weeks [whenever possible] it would give us all time to gather facts and opinions from the members.... so we could make a wiser decision... We have discussions now that get tabled so we can get more information. Are we going to table everything? Becky has done nothing to make that happen b/c she is only at 1 meeting a month. How is she going to be President with attending only one meeting a month and not even the required Saturday meetings?

If we plan out our future there would not be so many last minute decisions to be made.... I've always wanted a 5 year plan.... something concrete.... there are plans but I'd love to see them all on one spread sheet that we could all work with at meetings.... :coffee: Becky's allegedly a bookkeeper so she should have a spreadsheet with a five year plan to share with everyone, yes? Or is she not capable of working in groups, doesn't like to share, etc.?

The last couple of Boards have been doing a good job.... the Finance, Facilities, and Activities committees are doing a good job.... We can do better tho.... I'd like to try anyway.... Try what? Like how different from the nothing she has been doing for the past 10 -13 years (depending on what day you ask how long, no wait, nobody cares how long she's been on the board, my bad). Wasn't Becky in charge of Activities when and everybody quit? So... what is she going to do when all the volunteers quit< Fairies and magic dust.

I'd like to bring the question about Security to the membership for vote..... And why haven't you done so in the past 10 years Becky?

I'd like to put that boat launch back in.... Yes, Joann lobbied for that in fiscal years, 2010-2011 and 2011 - 2012 and then there isn't enough money to do so and now Veronica has said WHEREAS YOU ARE NOT PUTTING EVEN ANOTHER TRASH CAN AT THE BAY BEACHES IF SHE HAS ANYTHING TO SAY. So maybe you should have your friend Veronica tell us how we are putting in a boat launch.

I'd like to bring more information to the membership in a number of great ways.... Currently we are using sign boards,, RUT monthly, Facebook. What else are you going to try - carrier pigeon, smoke signals? Megaphone? Knock on doors? Town Crier? Semaphore?

I'd like to give it a try....
You've ten plus years to produce, what - nothing?:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:


New Member
If I were President of the Board.... I would ask that all the emails be sent to me... and then I would forward them to the rest of the Board and the GM....

If I were President of the Board....I would ask that we announce the next agenda whenever possible so people would have time to make comments or at least get their opinon heard before matters come up for vote...

If I were President of the Board.... I would have a presentation of the projects the Board was trying to work on.... It's one thing to say we want to use money to build a skate park.... but it's quite another to actually go out for prices and design and bring that to the membership....

If I were President of the Board.... I would read the information about a matter involved to those who take the time to come to the meetings.... so everyone would know what we are working on..... If we had the discussion in one meeting, then came back in two weeks [whenever possible] it would give us all time to gather facts and opinions from the members.... so we could make a wiser decision...

If we plan out our future there would not be so many last minute decisions to be made.... I've always wanted a 5 year plan.... something concete.... there are plans but I'd love to see them all on one spread sheet that we could all work with at meetings.... :coffee:

The last couple of Boards have been doing a good job.... the Finance, Facilities, and Activities committees are doing a good job.... We can do better tho.... I'd like to try anyway....

I'd like to bring the question about Security to the membership for vote.....

I'd like to put that boat lauch back in....

I'd like to bring more information to the membership in a number of great ways....

I'd like to give it a try....

everybody should understand that Becky is a total trainwreck (thnk femaleJ PC) and a big reason the boards that she served on were ineffective. you couldn't force me to vote for her. If becky got elected president it would totally undo any of the good that has been done over the past couple years.

As for the current president, i think he is doing an acceptable job and certainly isn't trying to run the place into the ground chasing his personal agendas like the last guy.


Active Member

Is the next iteration of the STD just going to be unilaterally passed, again? Or will it be put to membership for a vote this time?



New Member
New resident

I just moved into the CRE 2 weeks ago and my realtor told me she'd give me a "book of rules" and I have yet to receive it. Can I get one of these "books" from somewhere??
