Anyone know an idiot in Red VW Jetta with rear passenger window broken?


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
Coming back from Waldorf Tuesday afternoon between 3-4p. On Route 5 just outside of Leonardtown just before the MVA, this moron passed me on the right shoulder doing around 60MPH. There was a pickup truck behind me at a safe distance and he passed him on the shoulder too. I was doing right around the 50MPH speed limit because the county and state popo are all over this area at afternoon drive time.

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Then he immediately begins to tailgate a Corvette in front of me right around the elementary school.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 202538.png

Then remember I mentioned the popo usually being in the area? Just seconds ahead was a deputy on the opposite shoulder sitting there as the VW was right on the Vette's ass. Must have been eating donuts or watching porn, cause he either didn't see it or didn't care.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 202625.png


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

If anyone has a friend or relative working that is a deputy, why not ask them to run the plates to find out who the douche is? Should be pretty easy to figure it out.
