Anyone know where I can buy incense?


Well-Known Member
7-11, Dollar Store, Dollar Tree, WallyWorld..............go for patchouli. :dude:

They also sell ZigZag papers


Has confinement issues..
Forever Eden behind Big Lots. Or the Stop and Go on Great Mills Rd.. THey have that Nag CHampa incense the Indians use.


New Member
Forever Eden in St.Mary's (near Big Lots) or Inner Equinox on Solomons in the Harmon House (2 houses right of Clipper's Canine Cafe if you're looking at the Cafe).


NOT Politically Correct!!
The Sunoco Gas station at the intersection of Hermanville Road and 235 actually has a fairly large selection... :coffee:


Active Member
If you like the cones, the Amish Market in Charlotte Hall has the biggest ones you have ever seen. They also have great sticks and oils!

Have a great day!!!


Well-Known Member
mudpuddle said:
the Amish Market in Charlotte Hall has the biggest ones you have ever seen. They also have great sticks and oils!
I bet the Book Store on Shangri La Drive in Lexington Park would give them a run for their money. :yay:


Well-Known Member
Big Lots has a pretty large incense section, right by the candles,
and the liquor store next to Food Lion & K-Mart on 235 - is that Laurel Glen Shopping Center..???