Anyone looking for a wife?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
In my e-mail this a.m.

Hello Dear!
How are you? I hope that all good for you and you will read my letter
with a interest. Ok. I got your e-mail through internet dating
company. I want to arrive to USA and I have good chance for this.
I need only man who can meet me in USA and probably we can to develop
our relations. Ok. My name is Alina. I'm from Warszawa, Poland. I'm 26 years
old. I am ready for creation family and want it very much.
I cannot find the man in Poland for myself because it very hard in Poland.
I want to create family and to live in your country because the government
to care about people. I want to live and be sure in the future.
In Poland it is not possible to live easy. I want to tell about myself
a little. I live in city Warszawa. It's capital of Poland.
My city is very beautiful. I work as the seller in shop home appliances.
I'm cheerful woman who like to go for sports and do all what like are
usual peoples. My history: I'm with my girlfriend were going to go in
your country as tourists for search of men for serious relations.
But my girlfriend could not go with me. She had problems with your family.
But very soon I will receive visa and I don't want to lose a chance to
arrive in your country. I will receive visa in 7 days for your country.
Now I'm waiting for reception of my visa. It will
be great if you can meet me and we can to have relations with you. I'm
understand that it very strange, but probably it's desteny for you and
me. I understand that you will ask me "Where did you get my e-mail?"
I'm right??? ;) I got your e-mail through internet dating agency
in my city. I gave them my letter and they told me that they will send
my letter. And I will be very happy if YOU will answer to me.
I will be very happy if you will write me and we will have our meeting
very soon. And it is possible we a meeting in 7 days because I can arrive
to you. Please tell to me about yourself a little!

What is your full name?
Your age?

I hope that you will answer to me back...
I will wait your answer so much...
Write to me on e-mail :
Yours Alina


aka Mrs. Giant
I used to work with a guy in DC who was from Warsaw Poland. He had nothing bad to say about his country and said it is continuously improving and achieving since the demise of communism. Actually he was quite proud of all of the accomplishments his fellow countrymen and women were making. He was very excited once he received an opportunity to go back home with his wife (also Polish) and they invited me to be a tourist and stay in their home. :shrug: His wife and himself, both spoke and wrote very correct English with no slang nor contractions. I was told they were taught in school.

I'm sharing this story because even though you all know this letter is a scam, you may not realize how incorrect it's portrayal of the Polish people is.


The one and only Princess
In my e-mail this a.m.

Hello Dear!
How are you? I hope that all good for you and you will read my letter
with a interest. Ok. I got your e-mail through internet dating
company. I want to arrive to USA and I have good chance for this.
I need only man who can meet me in USA and probably we can to develop
our relations. Ok. My name is Alina. I'm from Warszawa, Poland. I'm 26 years
old. I am ready for creation family and want it very much.
I cannot find the man in Poland for myself because it very hard in Poland.
I want to create family and to live in your country because the government
to care about people. I want to live and be sure in the future.
In Poland it is not possible to live easy. I want to tell about myself
a little. I live in city Warszawa. It's capital of Poland.
My city is very beautiful. I work as the seller in shop home appliances.
I'm cheerful woman who like to go for sports and do all what like are
usual peoples. My history: I'm with my girlfriend were going to go in
your country as tourists for search of men for serious relations.
But my girlfriend could not go with me. She had problems with your family.
But very soon I will receive visa and I don't want to lose a chance to
arrive in your country. I will receive visa in 7 days for your country.
Now I'm waiting for reception of my visa. It will
be great if you can meet me and we can to have relations with you. I'm
understand that it very strange, but probably it's desteny for you and
me. I understand that you will ask me "Where did you get my e-mail?"
I'm right??? ;) I got your e-mail through internet dating agency
in my city. I gave them my letter and they told me that they will send
my letter. And I will be very happy if YOU will answer to me.
I will be very happy if you will write me and we will have our meeting
very soon. And it is possible we a meeting in 7 days because I can arrive
to you. Please tell to me about yourself a little!

What is your full name?
Your age?

I hope that you will answer to me back...
I will wait your answer so much...
Write to me on e-mail :
Yours Alina

wow gmail is everywhere....

just kidding...

wonder if they have poland man to create family and start relations with me
