Anyone notice the new target of the frothing left?


Glenn Beck. Bill Maher and his panel, including Keef Olbermann spent the better part of 20 minutes thrashing him.

Ironic, Olbermann calling anyone a theatrical lightweight.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Cool! I like Glenn Beck and if anyone can boost his ratings and catapult his career, it's those two mouth-breathers. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Glenn Beck. Bill Maher and his panel, including Keef Olbermann spent the better part of 20 minutes thrashing him.

Ironic, Olbermann calling anyone a theatrical lightweight.

It seems that Rahm has a plan for pretty much everything including media distractions, lightning rods and and targets.

Keep in mind the story about this AIG thing where a 'mob' showed up at the execs house(s) and it seems that these were ACORN and union people, kind of a rapid PR reaction force. Lotta coordination going on to work stories to the administrations favor.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oops, fixed. Hmmm... lets see. Mark Levin. I'm only saying that because not only is he a popular host but his current book is #1 on Amazon and they might want to try to discredit him next.

I'd like to see them tangle with Levin. He's not mannerly and pleasant like Beck and Rush. Levin punches, kicks and eye gouges. That and he's got more cred than any of the big three; Rush, Sean and Glenn. He's been sick of W's bull#### for years now.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
I'd like to see them tangle with Levin. He's not mannerly and pleasant like Beck and Rush. Levin punches, kicks and eye gouges. That and he's got more cred than any of the big three; Rush, Sean and Glenn. He's been sick of W's bull#### for years now.

Hey Larry, Mark is going to be at the Barnes & Noble in Vienna (?) VA on Friday I think.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Glenn Beck. Bill Maher and his panel, including Keef Olbermann spent the better part of 20 minutes thrashing him.

Ironic, Olbermann calling anyone a theatrical lightweight.

Now that's someone else I loathe. Bill Maher. I cannot even stand to watch him, I get a visceral reaction.

I remember when he first started his PC show years ago, he was seriously funny. Sure, he was sarcastic and very cutting edge. He wasn't like he is now. Now he's just so vitriolic & hateful.

But it's hysterical to know they're all bleating like a bunch of sheep over Glenn Beck! That means he's doing well!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Oops, fixed. Hmmm... lets see. Mark Levin. I'm only saying that because not only is he a popular host but his current book is #1 on Amazon and they might want to try to discredit him next.

I really like Mark Levin! His show came on when I picked up my son from his karate classes. My kids would rotfl when he said things like "get off the phone, you big dope". :lmao:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I'd like to see them tangle with Levin. He's not mannerly and pleasant like Beck and Rush. Levin punches, kicks and eye gouges. That and he's got more cred than any of the big three; Rush, Sean and Glenn. He's been sick of W's bull#### for years now.

:yay: He's a brilliant constitutional scholar.


Now that's someone else I loathe. Bill Maher. I cannot even stand to watch him, I get a visceral reaction.

I remember when he first started his PC show years ago, he was seriously funny. Sure, he was sarcastic and very cutting edge. He wasn't like he is now. Now he's just so vitriolic & hateful.

The same thing happened to George Carlin. I loved all his early stuff (like Place to Put My Stuff). But in his latter years, he just became an Angry Old Man, particularly in regards to religion.
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Well-Known Member
Now that's someone else I loathe. Bill Maher. I cannot even stand to watch him, I get a visceral reaction.

I remember when he first started his PC show years ago, he was seriously funny. Sure, he was sarcastic and very cutting edge. He wasn't like he is now. Now he's just so vitriolic & hateful.

Back then, the whole idea of Politically Incorrect was to skewer both sides. That's the general idea. Most of the time, even SNL manages to do this. Bill eventually abandoned the idea of political incorrectness and just decided to stick with bashing the right.

I have one of his books, and by and large, it's pretty good. It's called "When You Ride Alone, You Ride with Bin Laden" and the premise is chapters taken out of propaganda bits from WW2 and following era, and how they apply today. He made, in his final chaper, one of the most repeatable comments on the United States I've yet seen by anyone on the left. And that is that until the United States, no dominant world power has ever trod so lightly on the rest of the world - that what makes the U.S. great is it actually gives a crap about what it does. Previous empires - Egypt, Rome, the Huns, the Franks, the Normans - nobody every bothered to stop and say "we shouldn't do this". That the oft-given complaint of "cultural imperialism" is a load of crap, because it's ridiculous to think the world's most dominant power, the world's largest economy - by far - the greatest power the planet has ever seen - should have virtually zero effect on the rest of the world.

It's good stuff. Really.

I just wish I could stomach the man now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Back then, the whole idea of Politically Incorrect was to skewer both sides. That's the general idea. Most of the time, even SNL manages to do this. Bill eventually abandoned the idea of political incorrectness and just decided to stick with bashing the right.

That is illustrative of one of the larger truths in our media culture; you tend to not get very far unless you are on one team or the other. That is why, like you, I originally liked Maher.

Name a national known and respected writer or talker who is well regarded by most.


Nothing to see here
That is illustrative of one of the larger truths in our media culture; you tend to not get very far unless you are on one team or the other. That is why, like you, I originally liked Maher.

Name a national known and respected writer or talker who is well regarded by most.
