Anyone Perform Surgery On Computers Here?


New Member
I have an Emachines W2646 that's about 2 years old, seems I have the one out of every 200 that seems to have a PSU failure, lucky me! Anyway, I replaced the PSU with a brand-spanking new PSU and now, I get lights and fans and all the drives open, BUT, I get no responses on the monitor, I hear that when these Emachines PSU's fail, they have a history of taking the Motherboard with them.

So, I am looking for a surgeon with some 'sperience, or any clues to my next step. I've already bought a new comp, so, this one is just useless, unless someone has any ideas, it worked great and is in great shape, but...

worst case, I can part it out, but, I'd like to get it running again.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Since you've already bought a new system...

... Take the HD out, place the rest of it in a box, tape it tightly and hurl it into the dumpster.

Don't look back.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
I'd check your video card first. If you do have a bad motherboard, then Kyle's suggestion is best.
Memory also.

If I knew what kind of processor you had, and knew that that was the problem, I could sell you one at a reduced price.


My brother wasted his money on one and it only lasted a week... I got 400 bucks from him and built him a machine way better than any emachine and its still working to this day.


Life is Type 1 & 2 Errors
Pay the money...

I know that this will get a lot of negative feedback, but take this from a computer information systems expert and spend the money to buy yourself an Apple. Less headaches with the operating system and damned good hardware! I was a PC user for years, finally doing the "switch" after becoming tired with Microsoft and all the issues associated with that OS.

Yes, eMachines are notorious for issues - get rid of it. They're kinda like the new Packard Bell of this generation.

Oh, and you Apple haters out there save your breath. Most of you speak out of ignorance anyhow, never owning an an Apple or running OS X in your life.

Cheers! :buddies:


Common sense ain't common
tlisom said:
I know that this will get a lot of negative feedback, but take this from a computer information systems expert and spend the money to buy yourself an Apple. Less headaches with the operating system and damned good hardware! I was a PC user for years, finally doing the "switch" after becoming tired with Microsoft and all the issues associated with that OS.

Yes, eMachines are notorious for issues - get rid of it. They're kinda like the new Packard Bell of this generation.

Oh, and you Apple haters out there save your breath. Most of you speak out of ignorance anyhow, never owning an an Apple or running OS X in your life.

Cheers! :buddies:

Or you can do like I did, buy a computer off Tigerdirect that had NO operating system and load Linux on it. Works great for me. :yay: :yay:

I'm not an Apple hater, I swear. I've not used an Apple computer in any real capacity since high school (class of 1995) so I can't say anything bad about them. My only concern with SMM switching to an Apple from Microsoft would be that initial learning curve, much like I had when I switched from Microsoft to Linux. It takes a bit of getting used to, that's for sure. I do agree with you on ditching the eMachines.


Ive never used Apple other than WAY back in school! I thought those things were gone for good!
Linux though ive used for a month or two but then didnt really see what the hype was about so back to XP for me :)

Im going to wait for SP1 on Vista before I jump to that. Not enough driver support for SLI yet and I dont wanna give it up!