Anyone watch Hells Kitchen tonight?


New Member
did anyone catch the channel 5 news afterwards? I am trying to find the video of it.Supposedly Chef Ramsey said uncensored thinga about 6 of them.You gotta love this show


I love her wild,wild hair
It looks like a good season thus far. The gay guy Will, was the first one eliminated :high5::bawl::bawl::bawl::

He spelled his name Wil. My daughter and I watch it and love it. We always try and guess who is going to be kicked off each week. Love the drama and Chef Ramsey, but would never be able to work in a restaurant under those conditions every day and I have worked in some high drama kitchens in the past.


In My Opinion
Thats the only show Im addicted to.
No way in hell I could work under him, one of us would have a whole baked chicken up our orifice before the night was over.
but its funny when its someone else.


Well-Known Member
Glad there are some Hell's Kitchen fans here on the forum!

I really like the show and glad it's back for season # 5 or 6..Dunno I've lost track.
I wonder how Colleen will fare:shrug: Chef Ramsey seems to be eyeing her every step. I can imagine how I would feel paying that bit*h $300.00 for 4 hours training and she's not a trained chef.:smack:

I already see the whiner and the quitter, Lacey. She had to take a food/hot pocket :barf:break from making ice-cream. She may be the next elimination on the red team.
As far as the blue team..I think "Forest" (Gump) will be next!:dye: :dye:
:duel: :duel:

We shall see the outcome next Thursday!:howdy:
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Well-Known Member
He spelled his name Wil. My daughter and I watch it and love it. We always try and guess who is going to be kicked off each week. Love the drama and Chef Ramsey, but would never be able to work in a restaurant under those conditions every day and I have worked in some high drama kitchens in the past.

Who have you and your daughter picked for eliminations this Thursday? Or are you still deciding?


Well-Known Member
The blue team prevailed tonight! SPOILER AHEAD FOR YOU ALL WITH TIVO:

The teams had to shuck scallops tonight. Lot of $hit involved with that!

I hated to see Ji leave. She was really hurting with that injured ankle.

Lacey finally stepped up (for now) and cooked some salmon and scallops to Chef Ramseys liking. This after Colleen overcooked and then undercooked $hit. And Chef asked Lacey to step in and for Colleeen to observe. Chef called Colleen an effing thief for taking peoples money in cooking school:boxing:

I think Chef will keep her around even though she gives him migranes.

Chefs new saying tonight...."UnShuckingbelievable":dye:
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Well-Known Member
Colleen got sent the f**K home. I was glad of it! Did anyone see Roberts impression of Chef Ramsey a few weeks ago? It was great!