transfer pics from the comp to an SD card? I picked up a digital photo frame last week that takes SD cards (no biggie) but I'd like to put picks on the SD card to go into the frame.
Couple of ways.
If a camera has a USB connection, you can put the card in the camera and hook it up. The card will show up in My Computers. Just copy the files to the top level directory of the card.
If the computer has a slot for the SD card, just plug it in and copy the files.
If you have a USB card reader, plug the card reader into the PC, plug the card into the reader and copy your files.
Thanks! I Googled after I posted (ditto your info) so I'll give it a shot. I had totally forgotten about the card reader I got with my camera bundle.
Worked great, but since I'm working on a Mac, it was a lot simpler, just drag and drop.
Thanks a bunch!