AOC compares herself to Martin Luther King Jr.


PREMO Member
No big deal, just the first-year congresswoman from New York comparing herself to Martin Luther King Jr. after 3 months or so on the job:

So @AOC is on Instagram Live assembling furniture while speaking off the cuff about how she believes that she has a moral responsibility to fight for what's right, even if people call her an extremist. "People don't realize Martin Luther King was a democratic socialist."
— Peter Sterne (@petersterne) April 4, 2019

Even better, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did this while assembling Ikea furniture, drinking wine and eating popcorn during a live-stream on Instagram last night:

More than 8,000 people on Instagram are watching @AOC live stream herself putting together IKEA furniture, drinking wine and talking about the GOP and climate change
— Vera Bergengruen (@VeraMBergen) April 4, 2019


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That's a step up from comparing herself to FDR.

We laugh at this girl, but she has a strong fan base. Trump was right when he said that the Dem leadership is scared shitless of her. She jumped in there and has pretty much taken over their Party.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
She's behind the Green New Deal, Medicare for all, free college, $15 per hour minimum wage, housing rights(what ever that means), prison reform, abolish ICE, legalize pot, & campaign finance reform.

The only 2 I agree on are the last 2 items. We can reform prison to some degree with shorter sentences for non violent crimes. I'm not comfortable with not locking people up who break the law. There has to be some sort of deterrent.

A lot of her views are not financially viable. To eliminate ICE is nonsensical. That's just pandering. Let her district become overrun with illegals and maybe she'll sing a different tune if she wants to be reelected.

Of course if she wants to cash in from being elected, she could find a lot of good paying work by writing or on the news shows. The left fawn all over her. Remember how much the crap on Sarah Palin for not having any experience? A former mayor and at the time current governor. But now there is this political neophyte and she's leading her party around by the nose.

Sit back and enjoy the show.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member


Well-Known Member
So she basically called MLK Jr. an extremist, and nobody called her out on it? Nice.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Here it is with full audio.

Listen and weep for the future of our country. And maybe, the planet.

What you're listening to is 2028/32 Democratic nominee for Prezident and eventual winner (as the Electoral College will have been either trashed or circumvented).

This is painful. Simply painful. So very painful.

--- End of line (MCP)
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
Here it is with full audio.

Listen and weep for the future of our country. And maybe, the planet.

What you're listening to is 2028/32 Democratic nominee for Prezident and eventual winner (as the Electoral College will have been either trashed or circumvented).

This is painful. Simply painful. So very painful.

--- End of line (MCP)

“The internet documents everything...”

Thank goodness! 😂😂😂


God bless the USA
Here it is with full audio.

Listen and weep for the future of our country. And maybe, the planet.

What you're listening to is 2028/32 Democratic nominee for Prezident and eventual winner (as the Electoral College will have been either trashed or circumvented).

This is painful. Simply painful. So very painful.

--- End of line (MCP)

You beat me to it. I just posted same in another thread. Actually, WE cannot get enough out there about this looney tune. The more, the better. I thinks Dems are hating life right now. No honor, no ethics, no decorum, wish washy depending on the climate. :lol: I love it! Go, Trump!
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