AOC rebuked for 'demanding' Japan 'embrace LGBTQ alphabet wokeness' during controversial Asia trip


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
AOC said she was shocked by 'very discriminatory' comments that a Japanese government official reportedly made

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., is coming under fire after she called out Japan for not being tolerant enough during a congressional trip to Asia.

Ocasio-Cortez targeted Japan in an almost 40-minute-long Instagram video, during which she said that she was shocked at "very discriminatory" comments from a member of the Japanese government on the LGBT community.

Political commentator Ian Miles Cheong summed up the congresswoman’s visit in a tweet: "AOC is currently in Japan demanding that their government embrace LGBTQ alphabet wokeness, or else."

"Japan’s internal affairs are none of AOC’s business," journalist Sameera Khan fired back, sharing headlines from Time and Bloomberg News on the controversial trip.



Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
News Flash AOC discovers Asians are Xenophobic
Bullshit. They are nipponcentric. Big difference. They value homogeny, which is the opposite of diversity. ANd good for them.

If diversity is so great, why isn't there a push to diversify Nigeria, Saudi Arabia or El Salvador? In my lifetime, only the gringo led nations require a heavy dose of diversity. Diversity mostly in the form of semi literate, poor folks with marginal work skills. Basically 20th century ditch diggers. But now we have machines to dig the ditches and don't require massive amounts of menial laborers.

Apparently Asians also are not very politically correct:
Japanese are not blind to the fact that non-whites are a big part of the problem. They have not been brainwashed since childhood about racial equality, and know very well that not all groups are the same. Back in 1994, when The Bell Curve had just appeared, I was reading it during breaks while working with some Japanese clients. They had heard of the book, and asked me to tell them about it. I spent several minutes giving them the gist: that IQ is real, is heritable, and correlates strongly with social success — that there are substantial racial differences in average IQ, which are almost certainly partly genetic. When I was finished my three or four clients looked at each other quizzically, and one asked, “Doesn’t everyone know that?”



Well-Known Member
There is nothing wrong with diversity.
The problem with this Governments aim for Diversity is not to let everyone live together with peace and dignity, but to diversify the ignorant and misinformed with those who are informed and knowledgeable.
The two simply do not fit together.

You cannot diversify the ghetto dope using and unemployable shooters with people with a work ethic. People who want to receive an education to enhance their future with those who lack the discipline to learn and not try to interfere with others that are learning. People who are trying to earn a living with those who feel they are owed a living. People who want to live in a safe neighborhood with those who are making and creating unsafe neighborhoods.

Trying to create equity among people who do not work for equity will never happen. It just drags down those who are trying succeed.


Well-Known Member
If diversity is so great, why isn't there a push to diversify Nigeria, Saudi Arabia or El Salvador?
Apparently when Europe was into global diversity, it was a bad thing and considered conquering indigenous lands....

Now it's a good thing, now that it's the indigenous peoples conquering the savage, untamed lands....