apology letter in regards to youth football



Recently a letter was posted on this website in regards to a football game at Lancaster Park. I am writing this letter to inform anyone that read it that I was the author of the letter. The letter was composed and sent to Arthur Shepherd and to Phil Rollins of SMC Recreation and Parks. It was also forwarded to a member of the SMYFL Mechanicsville Braves organization. I did this as it was told to me that all communications in regards to any football issues were to be sent to our own league as well. My letter was never intended to be sent to the general public and hindsight being 20/20 I regret that I didn’t use better judgment in to who I sent the initial letter. This letter was supposed to remain “in house” as I never wanted the negative publicity that this letter has brought about to ever take place.
I want to apologize to Phil, Arthur, Kyle and any other Recreation and Park employee that has had to deal with any type of negativity due to this unfortunate chain of events. The letter was my responsibility to make sure that it didn’t draw the unnecessary attention that it did. As I stated in my previous letter, I have worked for Recreation and Parks for nearly 20 years and this letter being made public has embarrassed many people who work in the department as well as me. The intent of the letter was never meant to be a black eye on the department or any individual. I fully believe that Recreation and Parks does an outstanding job in providing recreational activities for the youth of our county. I am aware that running a league poses many problems and issues and certainly a young league such as football is not immune to those problems. Recreation and Parks has my full support in regards to any and all leagues that they run and it is clear that each league presents its own set of unique conditions that I may not have been fully aware of at the time of the initial letter.
I hope that this letter puts an end to any of the bickering, arguing, and complaining in regards to the multiple clubs that are in SMYFL as well as the leadership from Recreation and Parks. I will continue to support Recreation and Parks in its efforts to provide a safe, fun, and enjoyable experience for the youth of our county in any sport and recreation activity that they are affiliated with. Again, I offer my most sincere apologies to any and all who were affected by my initial letter and hope that everyone can move forward from this point and have a positive experience from here on out.

Mike Paust