App That Lets You Sell Your Free Parking Spot


Lawful neutral

As you endlessly circle the city blocks, looking in vain for a free parking spot, have you ever wished you could just pay someone to give you one?Well, there’s now an app for that. It’s called MonkeyParking. Last month, Paolo Dobrowolny — one of the guys who created it — used the app to pay $5 for a public parking spot on the street in San Francisco’s Mission District. Dobrowolny entered his credit card number, clicked a green button on the app, and connected with another MonkeyParker who had parked in the spot earlier that morning but was getting ready to leave it. This person waited for Dobrowolny to show up in his blue Ford — even though Dobrowolny was five minutes late, thanks to traffic — and then pulled out to let him park.