Appalachian Trail


Finishing last
Okay, so the last time I section hiked on the AT was in 2003. I hiked with my Nephew who is a professional caddy. Needless to say he was in better shape than I was. Our Plan was to hike from the Maryland side of the Potomac at Sandy Hook, through Harper's Ferry, to Ashby's Gap. We were planning a 4 to 5 day hike. We got dropped off and would make a call when ready to be picked up at route 50. It was July so the weather was warm but co-operative. We didn't find the David Lesser Shelter on the first night and Camped off trail, me in my camping hammock, my nephew in a 2 man tent. The second night we made camp at the Blackburn Trail Centers campground. Enjoying both privies and a shower at the Center. I was feeling a bit annoyed as I had aggravated a previous foot injury that day. It didn't help that I was wearing a pair of old work boots. They were comfortable and ankle height but just not made for hiking. So on the third afternoon, when we made Snickers Gap, (at route 7), we reluctantly made the decision to cut it short. I called our ride to arrange for a pickup the next day. We spent the rest of the day at an overlook of the Shenandoah valley and camped on the grounds of the Bears Den Hostel. We saw several great views, had a deer stop on the trail ahead of us and watch us with indifference. My nephew got his first taste of the AT. Overall it was a good trip.

So this year after having talked about the trail year in and year out, I have decided to make another hike. Not sure what my pace will be. Not sure how the weather will be. But I know one thing, it will be enjoyable as always.

When was the last time you backpacked anywhere?
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:lol: Back in the 70s when I could actually hike. Did all of Bear Mountain in NY.

Hiking is no longer something I can do.


Well-Known Member
Blew out my right foot and ankle and can no longer hike. Good Luck to you Foxhound, wish i could still do it. I am envious.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
When was the last time you backpacked anywhere?

When I was a GS Leader - back in about 1995. It wasn't an overnight backpacking trip, but more of a day trip. I also camped out while I was 6 months preggers with Thing2, at a GS Camp in Virginia, although the Service Unit sort of/kind of made me use one of the cabins available, and I happily took it. :biggrin: We did hiking that weekend, too.

I could/would do a day trip backpacking, but these days I'm not into tent camping and minimalist hiking or backpacking. Your trip is going to be so much fun, can't wait to see the pictures! :love:
Okay, so the last time I section hiked on the AT was in 2003. I hiked with my Nephew who is a professional caddy. Needless to say he was in better shape than I was. Our Plan was to hike from the Maryland side of the Potomac at Sandy Hook, through Harper's Ferry, to Ashby's Gap. We were planning a 4 to 5 day hike. We got dropped off and would make a call when ready to be picked up at route 50. It was July so the weather was warm but co-operative. We didn't find the David Lesser Shelter on the first night and Camped off trail, me in my camping hammock, my nephew in a 2 man tent. The second night we made camp at the Blackburn Trail Centers campground. Enjoying both privies and a shower at the Center. I was feeling a bit annoyed as I had aggravated a previous foot injury that day. It didn't help that I was wearing a pair of old work boots. They were comfortable and ankle height but just not made for hiking. So on the third afternoon, when we made Snickers Gap, (at route 7), we reluctantly made the decision to cut it short. I called our ride to arrange for a pickup the next day. We spent the rest of the day at an overlook of the Shenandoah valley and camped on the grounds of the Bears Den Hostel. We saw several great views, had a deer stop on the trail ahead of us and watch us with indifference. My nephew got his first taste of the AT. Overall it was a good trip.

So this year after having talked about the trail year in and year out, I have decided to make another hike. Not sure what my pace will be. Not sure how the weather will be. But I know one thing, it will be enjoyable as always.

When was the last time you backpacked anywhere?

2013 did a SOBO section from Harpers Ferry to Hot Springs, NC. Hell of a good time.


Well-Known Member
Did the trail in 1972 (2111 miles). Heck of a lot different then. I have done certain favorite sections since then in the 80s and 90s. Pretty much overrun with people now and trash. Sad.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Last hike on the trail was in 2008. I did a section leaving from Harpers Ferry then backtracking to my vehicle in the National Park parking lot.

Let's try to go in the next few weeks. Even a 2 day hike is fine. Just a quick up, overnight, then hike back.


Finishing last
2013 did a SOBO section from Harpers Ferry to Hot Springs, NC. Hell of a good time.

Did the trail in 1972 (2111 miles). Heck of a lot different then. I have done certain favorite sections since then in the 80s and 90s. Pretty much overrun with people now and trash. Sad.

Never had the time/money to do more than a 4-5 day section hike. I kinda envy you guys. As for the Trail changing. Indeed, my first hike was in the Shenandoah park in 1975 (I think it was). My last as stated was in 2003 through West Va. Although I did it in July and started on a Thursday, so the trail wasn't crowded by any stretch of the imagination. You could see there had been more "impact" than earlier years. 2003 I hiked with my camp hammock , a Lawson Blue Ridge, with tree huggers. I only bush camped one night out of the three, but my nephew and I left little if any footprint from our camping.

Shaking out the old gear. Getting some new gear and testing it. New boots are comfy as all get out! Garmont Zenith Mid GTX. Actually they feel more comfortable while I'm walking!

I've also been looking at videos and made an alcohol camp stove out of a Red Bull can. I'll use my MSR pocket rocket clone on the trail, but it is fun making these things. I need to find some Bud/Bud Light aluminum bottles for my next build. I don't drink, so I'll wait till I go to a party.

Really getting psyched now!
Sace weight and leave the tent or hammock behind, the shelters they have built are pretty nice for the most part, and never longer than a days hike from each other. Between that and a good sleeping pad and bag, youll be plenty comfortable and out of the elements. Just make sure to use the mouse hangars! Or better yet bring along some mousetraps. I met a Triple Crowner called Wildcat in Va that carried a few mousetraps with him and his food never got messed with. Of course all we heard all night was the traps snapping the little buggers necks lol. And try using a cat food or similar can, theyre a bit more robust than the aluminum ones. Have fun! Im starting to get the hiking bug again now too. Also the new generation of down bags are pretty awesome.


Well-Known Member
Over three months. There were some ankle and boot issues in the White Mountains. Did I mention that I hate those rocky trails in the Whites. Worst part of the trail. Beautiful but physically hard.

Back then the most complicated issue was food and gear resupply. I had to use drops at post offices for the most part. I spent a lot of time waiting at post offices. Today pretty much every time you cross a road there is a town a couple miles one way or the other.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Over three months. There were some ankle and boot issues in the White Mountains. Did I mention that I hate those rocky trails in the Whites. Worst part of the trail. Beautiful but physically hard.

Back then the most complicated issue was food and gear resupply. I had to use drops at post offices for the most part. I spent a lot of time waiting at post offices. Today pretty much every time you cross a road there is a town a couple miles one way or the other.

So damn near 20 mile a day!


Finishing last
Sace weight and leave the tent or hammock behind, the shelters they have built are pretty nice for the most part, and never longer than a days hike from each other. Between that and a good sleeping pad and bag, youll be plenty comfortable and out of the elements. Just make sure to use the mouse hangars! Or better yet bring along some mousetraps. I met a Triple Crowner called Wildcat in Va that carried a few mousetraps with him and his food never got messed with. Of course all we heard all night was the traps snapping the little buggers necks lol. And try using a cat food or similar can, theyre a bit more robust than the aluminum ones. Have fun! Im starting to get the hiking bug again now too. Also the new generation of down bags are pretty awesome.

Problem with leaving the tent/shelter behind is there is no guarantee the shelters wont be filled to capacity. Bear bag for my foods. If a mouse want to climb up and down the line for my food. I watched a video with what looks to be one of the better can stoves using a cat food can and a tomato paste can, then you use some carbon felt between them as a wick. Supposed to give the best fuel efficiency.

Also supposed to work in sub zero temps. Not that I plan on being out in sub zero!!


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Essential gear?



God bless the USA
I am reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It is great. She hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. There is a movie, too, with Reese Witherspoon. Highly recommend. My husband is the ultra runner and does things that amaze me. I hold down the fort when he is gone, and live vicariously through him, and stories. I do take our pup, Daisy, for a walk every day. :bann:


RBF expert
I am reading Wild by Cheryl Strayed. It is great. She hiked the Pacific Crest Trail. There is a movie, too, with Reese Witherspoon. Highly recommend. My husband is the ultra runner and does things that amaze me. I hold down the fort when he is gone, and live vicariously through him, and stories. I do take our pup, Daisy, for a walk every day. :bann:

that book was absolutely fantastic. and I'm not even remotely interested in any hiking besides a decent local day-hike. But I couldn't put that book down. However, I was thoroughly disappointed in the movie. And Reese Witherspoon is a favorite of mine :ohwell: I still recommend seeing the movie though.