Apparently, Bernie Sanders Doesn't Know the Difference Between Revenue and Profit


PREMO Member
This morning, Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (I) tweeted out his support for efforts to unionize the video game industry. He did so in a fashion truly appropriate for the man—one that made it clear that he doesn't always grasp basic economics:

It's true that the game industry did bring in $42 billion in revenue last year from customers in the United States (and nearly $140 billion worldwide). But revenue is the money a company brings in before deducting its expenses, like, for example, workers' wages. So, in reality, video game industry workers did get a cut of those billions. It's only after such workers are paid (and other expenses are deducted) that we can talk about profit.


Well-Known Member
Bernie Sanders is a tool...

Donald Trump--despite having been told this repeatedly-- doesn't understand it is the importers (and ultimately the customers) not the exporters who pay tariffs. This doesn't seem to bother you.

Donald Trump doesn't understand that a growing population should always have more people employed when the economy is growing. This also doesn't seem to bother you.

Donald Trump doesn't understand the the rate of growth the US has experienced since his inauguration is not all that special and it is most certainly not historic. This doesn't seem to bother you.

Donald Trump doesn't understand that the unemployment rate is a direct function of the number of people in (or in today's case not) the labor force. This doesn't seem to bother you.

Donald Trump doesn't understand that trade is not a zero sum game. But that doesn't seem to bother you.

Donald Trump thinks tariffs are a "beautiful thing" but that doesn't seem to bother you.

Donald Trumps thinks it would be acceptable for the nation that prints the world's reserve currency to default on its debt. But that doesn't seem to bother you, either.

Donald Trump nominates two individuals to the Federal Reserve Board who have no qualifications whatsoever to join the body that sets monetary policy in this country. But that doesn't bother you.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member