Apple, Inc. Has Little Interest in Conservative News Voices


PREMO Member
Apple, Inc. Has Little Interest in Conservative News Voices

I knew this was going to happen. I wrote about it a few weeks ago. It was my impression that Apple, in preparing a news service, would set it up in such a way as to make right-wing and orthodox Christian voices disappear.

[clip] - lots of screen caps

So the leftwing Talking Points Memo, Daily Beast, New Republic, Slate, and Mother Jones appear abouve really any conservative site other than the Washington Times.

Among the sites that are auto-selected is the left of center Slate. No conservative site is auto added.

This is the future of Apple and Facebook controlling the news. There’ll be no Russell Moore. There’ll be no Franklin Graham. There’ll be no RC Sproul or John Piper or First Things.

There’ll be no conservative sites either.

It’ll be the left and their allies in control by default. Only those who seek out other opinions will be rewarded. But it’ll be a difficult thing to find out along the way.

I’m not surprised by this. But I sure am disappointed.

frankly this is why I dropped the iPad App Flipboard [which was a great idea, that worked well on the iPad] - the majority of the 'news sources' were Progressive Propaganda