St. Mary's Co. Applications Now Being Accepted for the Police Accountability Board and Administrative Charging Committee

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PREMO Member
LEONARDTOWN - The Commissioners of St. Mary’s County seek applicants interested to serve on the St. Mary’s County Police Accountability Board and St. Mary’s County Administrative Charging Committee.

Pursuant to Maryland Annotated Code, Public Safety Art. § 3-102 and § 3-104, respectively, there shall be a St. Mary’s County Police Accountability Board and a St. Mary’s County Administrative Charging Committee to serve countywide law enforcement agencies.

The Police Accountability Board shall consist of a minimum of five (5) and up to nine (9) members appointed by the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County, including a chairperson who possesses relevant experience. Applicants shall submit to a vetting process which includes, at a minimum, comprehensive criminal background checks and other appropriate background research to determine to the satisfaction of the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County each applicant’s fit moral character, freedom from bias, and ability to act and make objective decisions free of outside influence. An active police officer, as defined in Public Safety Art. § 3-201, is not eligible to serve on the Police Accountability Board.

The Administrative Charging Committee shall consist of five (5) members, two (2) of whom shall be civilians appointed by the County Commissioners, two (2) of whom shall be civilians appointed by the Police Accountability Board, and one (1) of whom shall be the chairperson of the Police Accountability Board or another member of the Police Accountability Board designated by the chairperson of that board.

Appointees will be expected to attend all meetings of their respective board.

All citizens interested in volunteering their time should complete the application available on the County’s website and attach a resume’ Applications will be accepted until April 15, 2022.