Approval ratings and If the Election were held today


Not bad...

Originally posted by SamSpade
As I observed earlier - Bush's numbers would bounce *right* back.

It's pretty tight in the Bush/Kerry scenario, which as of right now appears to be the most likely.

Now for my prediction:

It's September 2004. The crisp autumn air starts to blow from the northwest and you can almost smell november right around the corner. Folks across the country are putting their sun-tea jars away, and letting the water out of their swimming pools. The leaves start to fade from a bright green, to a dull green as the anticipation of fall looms ahead.

This sunday september afternoon, after you've mown your lawn for (presumably) the last time of the year, and put your lawn mower away, and sit in your recliner with the cap freshly popped off an ice cold bud, the news flashes across the screen.

Osama Bin Laden CAUGHT!

Flags will be waving, parades will be marching, country music songs about boots in asses will be playing, and Bush will ride that friggin wave right into November with poll numbers that are significantly closer to 80 than 50.

This I foretell.


Re: Not bad...

Originally posted by Toxick
It's pretty tight in the Bush/Kerry scenario, which as of right now appears to be the most likely.

Now for my prediction:

It's September 2004. The crisp autumn air starts to blow from the northwest and you can almost smell november right around the corner. Folks across the country are putting their sun-tea jars away, and letting the water out of their swimming pools. The leaves start to fade from a bright green, to a dull green as the anticipation of fall looms ahead.

This sunday september afternoon, after you've mown your lawn for (presumably) the last time of the year, and put your lawn mower away, and sit in your recliner with the cap freshly popped off an ice cold bud, the news flashes across the screen.

Osama Bin Laden CAUGHT!

Flags will be waving, parades will be marching, country music songs about boots in asses will be playing, and Bush will ride that friggin wave right into November with poll numbers that are significantly closer to 80 than 50.

This I foretell.

:biggrin: Funny, I forsee the same thing, and mentioned a couple of weeks ago to my hubby the same thing, though I heard; not sure which source, is that the hunt for Osama will probably begin in the Spring. So it may be sooner than this fall. :dance:


Football addict
Re: Not bad...

Originally posted by Toxick
It's pretty tight in the Bush/Kerry scenario, which as of right now appears to be the most likely.

Now for my prediction:

It's September 2004. The crisp autumn air starts to blow from the northwest and you can almost smell november right around the corner. Folks across the country are putting their sun-tea jars away, and letting the water out of their swimming pools. The leaves start to fade from a bright green, to a dull green as the anticipation of fall looms ahead.

This sunday september afternoon, after you've mown your lawn for (presumably) the last time of the year, and put your lawn mower away, and sit in your recliner with the cap freshly popped off an ice cold bud, the news flashes across the screen.

Osama Bin Laden CAUGHT!

Flags will be waving, parades will be marching, country music songs about boots in asses will be playing, and Bush will ride that friggin wave right into November with poll numbers that are significantly closer to 80 than 50.

This I foretell.

in Bush's dreams:lol:


Re: Re: Not bad...

Originally posted by Flo
:biggrin: Funny, I forsee the same thing, and mentioned a couple of weeks ago to my hubby the same thing, though I heard; not sure which source, is that the hunt for Osama will probably begin in the Spring. So it may be sooner than this fall. :dance:

I rather think that he's got a spy satellite that can count the hairs on his skinny ass when he bends over to take a crap trained on him right this very second.

Whenever he drags his dialysis machine into a cave, the cam switches to infrared and continue to follow his every move.

This is all conjecture of course, as I have no proof of any of it. But I have a suspicion that the greatest technological society in the greatest technological era in history can probably find one psychopathic maniac and his entourage in a sparcely populated area.


Well-Known Member
Re: Not bad...

Originally posted by Toxick
It's pretty tight in the Bush/Kerry scenario, which as of right now appears to be the most likely.

As does most everyone these days. Boy I'd really hate to be Gore these days. NO chance of getting back in, and with his half-hearted unasked for endorsement of Dean, he looks pretty stupid, and that's not counting his 'rant' the other night (which made him look *insane*).

However, I predicted those numbers would bounce RIGHT back after Kerry leading for a short while. And it was for the simple reason that he's had the press more or less to himself, with nobody beating up on him yet. I'm glad Dean is sticking it out (although if he gets any MORE "un"-endorsements, he's gonna look stupid) because he can do Bush's work FOR him until the real race begins.


I can't imagine anything that's dumber than trying to compare polls, or numbers, or approval ratings, or anything else between Bush and any Democrat. You can't hardly turn on a TV or radio, or open a newspaper, without reading something positive about John Kerry. His mug is everywhere, and the media and the Dems are falling all over themselves to portray him as a leader, a war hero, the front runner, etc. Of course he's getting high marks right now. But let's see what happens after the love affair is over and he's brought before the harsh lights of being a presidential contender. Then you can start comparing numbers.