Arab control of Baltimore Harbor


Iron City
The Bush administration should disclose more about a deal that would give a United Arab Emirates-based company management of six major U.S. seaports, former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Monday.

WTF? The news reports that the Administration approved security clearances for the UAE company. We are engaging in a war with the radical Muslim world and now Bush will allow control of our major ports to some of the very people who want to eradicate us? OK right-wing conservatives, explain this one to me.

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Lovin' being Texican
mrweb said:

This is so promising. Imagine, no longer fearing the Democrats that currently control Baltimore by placing it in the hands of conservatives. I notice that many of the port cities in question are currently in the iron grip of those liberals.

Maybe there's hope for the nation after all!


Iron City
Lenny said:
This is so promising. Imagine, no longer fearing the Democrats that currently control Baltimore by placing it in the hands of conservatives. I notice that many of the port cities in question are currently in the iron grip of those liberals.

Maybe there's hope for the nation after all!
Ummm, OK, I see you have a real grip on current events. Please to explain to me what you mean by the "iron grip of those liberals" and why you would seemingly support foreign control of our ports.