Arby's to sell venison sandwiches


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Well-Known Member
That's a solid cut of meat, if it actually looks like that. Too bad they closed our local Arby's as I would definitely give this a try.


Well-Known Member
When was the last time you went to a chain and got something that looked like the picture on the menu? :lmao:

You're almost certainly correct in that it's not likely to look like the advert. But, to answer your question, last time I went to In-and-Out, 5-Guys, Chipotle, Noodles, Papa John's.....

They don't all cheat as bad as KF-McBugerCheckers


I've always said that a venison fast-food restaurant would work well around here.
Call it 'More Buck for your Doe' (or 'More Doe for your Buck').
Featuring the big Double Bambi-Burger combo with Squirrely Fries.
Look for the sign with the huge Golden Antlers.


Well-Known Member
You're almost certainly correct in that it's not likely to look like the advert. But, to answer your question, last time I went to In-and-Out, 5-Guys, Chipotle, Noodles, Papa John's.....

They don't all cheat as bad as KF-McBugerCheckers
.....and Arby's; don't forget Arby's. When you go there; IF you go there; you'd like to think that you will get a sandwich that looks like the pic on the menu. At least some folks do.

One time I asked for extra meat on my Smokehouse Brisket because what one usually gets is mostly bun; wasn't being belligerent or sarcastic; had to pay extra for that, that time. A different time, I said something to the effect, "I'd like mine to look exactly like the one in that picture; I wasn't belligerent or sarcastic this time either; and they made mine to look like the menu picture, so :yay: Didn't have to pay extra that time, so apparently it all depends on how you ask for what you want.

But this tred is about the venison sandwich. I would try one, just to see what their version tastes like.
If it's good and it not just a short-lived promotion, I'd switch it up with my Smokehouse Brisket.
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New Member
You're almost certainly correct in that it's not likely to look like the advert. But, to answer your question, last time I went to In-and-Out, 5-Guys, Chipotle, Noodles, Papa John's.....

They don't all cheat as bad as KF-McBugerCheckers

Life must be pretty blissful for you Clem. You seem to own vehicles that only appreciate in value and you get food that looks like it is fresh off the menu and in perfectly staged condition.

Blissful I tell you! I am guessing the birds sing outside your window everyday and every lotto scratch off is a winner for you :yay:


Well-Known Member
Life must be pretty blissful for you Clem. You seem to own vehicles that only appreciate in value and you get food that looks like it is fresh off the menu and in perfectly staged condition.

Blissful I tell you! I am guessing the birds sing outside your window everyday and every lotto scratch off is a winner for you :yay:

If you're referring to our cost of new vehicles discussion I was stating that the base-model MSRP had only gone up about $500 in the years since I purchased mine. But the number of included features went up significantly.

As for food, I order what I like and I like what I order.

Birds do sing outside my window, the virtue of living outside of town. Can't claim to win every time at lotto though, so I guess my life isn't perfect, just damn close.


Well-Known Member
No thanks. Besides, who knows for sure what type meat it really is. Their "roast beef" sandwiches looks/tastes nothing like beef roast I've ever seen or had....what is it really I've wondered....


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Their pork belly sandwich is just as advertised. I had to try one last week. It was pretty tasty. Definitely not lean though.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
.....and Arby's; don't forget Arby's. When you go there; IF you go there; you'd like to think that you will get a sandwich that looks like the pic on the menu. At least some folks do.

One time I asked for extra meat on my Smokehouse Brisket because what one usually gets is mostly bun; wasn't being belligerent or sarcastic; had to pay extra for that, that time. A different time, I said something to the effect, "I'd like mine to look exactly like the one in that picture; I wasn't belligerent or sarcastic this time either; and they made mine to look like the menu picture, so :yay: Didn't have to pay extra that time, so apparently it all depends on how you ask for what you want.

But this tred is about the venison sandwich. I would try one, just to see what their version tastes like.
If it's good and it not just a short-lived promotion, I'd switch it up with my Smokehouse Brisket.

It's probably a lot different in taste compared to what we hunt. Domestic animals eat a different diet than wild ones. Does do not breed and males are de-nutted.

Old Europe Restaurants have venison on the menu in the fall. Quite tasty but different from our wild ones.


Well-Known Member
It's probably a lot different in taste compared to what we hunt. Domestic animals eat a different diet than wild ones. Does do not breed and males are de-nutted.

Old Europe Restaurants have venison on the menu in the fall. Quite tasty but different from our wild ones.
Oh, I'm sure it is.

I can just vaguely remember the venison I had years and years ago; given to us by somebody Dad knew or worked with. Assumed it was fresh-not-frozen due to the deli paper it was wrapped in. I think we lightly seasoned it, but only after grilling it over charcoal. It didn't need a whole lot of help; tasty stuff all on its own.
Hmmm.....just inexplicably started to :drool: