Archuleta a Bear...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...traded for a 6th round pick. Sounds like the Bears will pick up the money due to him and we eat a $4 mil cap number for '07.

Now, it doesn't much matter if you think Archuleta can't play or didn't fit Williams defense, whatever the core issue, he's still better than any 6th rounder, at least for the coming season. So, why the fire sale? It seems Gibbs believes Archuleta was a primary source for the article that came out about how dysfunctional the defensive coaches are.

Loyalty above all else? Yep, that's why every free agent comes here; loyalty.
That's probably why Clark was let go, initiating the need for a safety in the first place even though Clark was part of the strength of the D in '05, and probably why Pierce was let go and for sure why LaVarr was let go; not loyal enough.