Sam Markstein of the Republican Jewish Coalition phrased it well: “Republican candidates are offering concrete solutions to the issues that matter to Jewish voters.” American Jews have typically voted for candidates who seem to support freedom, individual responsibility, kindness, compassion, and are pro-Israel. While the Democratic Party abandoned those values long ago, leaving the party has been a difficult proposition for many Jews.
We are all byproducts of our upbringing, and many Jewish adults today were raised by parents or grandparents who attributed (falsely) the end of the Holocaust and the formation of the State of Israel to the Democratic regimes of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. Additionally, as so many Jews “converted” from their faith to a “religion” of secular leftist politics over the last few decades, it seemed that it would be nearly impossible to get Jews away from the Democratic stranglehold.
But this is clearly changing.
Jews are starting to recognize that there is a real problem with Nancy Pelosi appearing on the cover of Rolling Stone next to vocal anti-Semites like Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are starting to wake up to the realities of a Democratic Party that voted in unison against anti-BDS legislation. The data demonstrates that American Jews are beginning to recognize that voting for the party of Rashid Tlaib, who calls for the destruction of Israel, is a vote for their own self-destruction.
We are all byproducts of our upbringing, and many Jewish adults today were raised by parents or grandparents who attributed (falsely) the end of the Holocaust and the formation of the State of Israel to the Democratic regimes of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman. Additionally, as so many Jews “converted” from their faith to a “religion” of secular leftist politics over the last few decades, it seemed that it would be nearly impossible to get Jews away from the Democratic stranglehold.
But this is clearly changing.
Jews are starting to recognize that there is a real problem with Nancy Pelosi appearing on the cover of Rolling Stone next to vocal anti-Semites like Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They are starting to wake up to the realities of a Democratic Party that voted in unison against anti-BDS legislation. The data demonstrates that American Jews are beginning to recognize that voting for the party of Rashid Tlaib, who calls for the destruction of Israel, is a vote for their own self-destruction.