Dancing Up A Storm
WASHINGTON -- A news story is creeping into our major newspapers. From there it is making its way into the broadcast media. It is a story that bodes ill for the Democrats. Once a story spreads like this it takes on the nature of Truth to journalists, and they then repeat it or variations on it for a mercilessly long time. The headline is this: "Democrats Fragmented and in Disarray."
Hillary Sez - "It's high time for a ceasefire. It's time for all Democrats to work together … let's start by uniting against the hard-right ideology."
The far left is zinging her badly for even suggesting that.
WASHINGTON -- A news story is creeping into our major newspapers. From there it is making its way into the broadcast media. It is a story that bodes ill for the Democrats. Once a story spreads like this it takes on the nature of Truth to journalists, and they then repeat it or variations on it for a mercilessly long time. The headline is this: "Democrats Fragmented and in Disarray."
Hillary Sez - "It's high time for a ceasefire. It's time for all Democrats to work together … let's start by uniting against the hard-right ideology."
The far left is zinging her badly for even suggesting that.