Are These Boys Naughty or Nice?


Ummmmm ....
Ryan Phillipe = Hot
Colin Farrell = Doesn't really do it for me
Heath = Hot in The Patriot
Joaquin = Sometimes hot, sometimes not so much
Charlie = He likes prostitutes ... I don't think that I could touch his weenis if I wanted to.
Jude = Doesn't do it for me
Vince = His characters have a good personality which makes him attractive.

I really like Scott Foley (he's on The Unit on CBS). He's hot .....


Cleopatra Jones
Ryan Phillipe = Nope. I liked him when I was younger though.
Colin Farrell = Shave that $hit off his face and :drool:!
Heath = Good Lord!!!! The things I'd do to him!
Joaquin = Yes but in a weird kinda way.
Charlie = Ick.
Jude = Ickier!
Vince = Nope.

Val Kilmer and Billy Zane are my two absolute favs!


professional daydreamer
Ryan Phillipe = ick
Colin Farrell = ick
Heath = He has his good days and bad days.
Joaquin = ick
Charlie = ick
Jude = something about him makes me think "freak". :yay:
Vince = As far as I'm concerned, the sexiest guy in the group.


Well-Known Member
Ryan Phillipe = :drool:
Colin Farrell =:barf:
Heath = :barf:
Joaquin = eh not sure
Charlie = :barf:
Jude = :barf:
Vince = sometimes he looks good :shrug:


Common sense ain't common
Ryan Phillipe = Ehhh...he's ok.
Colin Farrell = Nope
Heath = Nope
Joaquin = Ehhh...he's ok
Charlie = Nope
Jude = Nope.
Vince = Nope

I noticed a rather conspicuous absence in this list. No Johnny Depp? :drool:


Wasn't this about naughty :wench: or nice?

I voted that they are all naughty boys.

The one's who look nice are the most deviant.

"Revenge of the Nerds" comes to mind.


Ryan Phillipe = YUCK BIG TIME (yes, did that on purpose).
Colin Farrell = YUCK
Heath = YUCK
Joaquin = HOT
Charlie = NOPE
Jude = OK
Vince= Big NOPE. He seems like someone who never grew up. Only movie I have seen him I liked was Be Cool and I still wanted to smack the stuff out of him.


yeah yeah
Ryan Phillipe = I think he is a cutie.
Colin Farrell = He could be hot. Im with pix though, that face mess has to go.
Heath = Definate hottie
Joaquin = He is ok. I dont find him breathtaking
Charlie = He USE to be cute. Not now.
Jude = His eyes are piercing.. otherwise, nah
Vince= He seems like he is a nice guy, but just dumb


New Member
Ryan Phillipe = no
Colin Farrell = Nope
Heath = Nope
Joaquin = no
Charlie = Nope
Jude = Nope.
Vince = Nope

Billy Zane - YEP
Mario Lopez - Oh YEAH!