Are they done?


Well-Known Member
Are the Nationals done? Two big losses to the Cardinals.
Go NATS, but sorry to say, I think they are done...


That was brutal, couldn't put anything together. Get one or two on and fly out. They need a big outing tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Oh, that decision to shut down Strasburg. And at a great time, as well.

The Nationals sure did not need him for any kind of playoff game, for sure.

I'm sure Davey Johnson is just peachy keen with the decision.


Yesterday would have been Strausburg's spot in the rotation. Not saying they would have won, they obviously lost their bats somewhere along the way, but if they hadn't given up the 4 runs early it might have looked a little different.


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As for Strasburg, what's done is done. Can't be complaining about him getting shut down. In reality, it was the right thing to do with him coming off surgery. Would you rather have a strong pitcher for many years or a one-timer that blows out his arm (again)?? Not to say that he would get injured again but that's why they keep pitch and inning counts - for the longevity of the pitcher.

As mentioned, the Nats bats have been dead. They need to get that swing back NOW.


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Tomorrow isn't guaranteed, he could get killed in a car wreck, or they could go back to the cellar.

Nothing is ever guaranteed. However, to the owners he's an investment. They are thinking long term and want the largest ROI they can get. Having a star pitcher for many years is better for the organization than 1 or 2 great year(s). That's the mindset, especially having come off of surgery. It's a tough call, they don't want to push him too far. It also shows that management see's the Nats as being contenders for years to come with the bright young talent they have. That's a good thing. Anybody remember when the Marlins won and then basically dismantled the whole team the next season? No one wants that.