"Are Today's Progressives Actually Totalitarians?"


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.

Two snips for you:
A pattern is emerging. That pattern is to assert government control over, well, everything. Government control ... in the name of social and economic justice, of course.

There’s another word for this: totalitarian.

Much of what appears baffling in American politics today is more easily understood if one grasps the unspoken progressive axioms that drive so much of our national conversation. Confusion comes because many axioms that underpin many Democratic and left-wing claims are veiled. Unveiled, the Democratic agenda begins to gain coherence. For classical liberals, that coherence is ominous.

If governing progressive axioms, unveiled, are totalitarian in substance it would explain the baffling assault by progressives on the Constitution. There is an ongoing, relentless, assault aimed at the governance structure of the Constitution, against the civil liberties explicitly protected by the Bill of Rights, and directed at those who take a stand for the classical liberal, small-r republican, political order.

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The answer is yes, they are totalitarians. One has only to watch them dismantling our historical monuments and dropping the hammer on free speech to see it. Not to mention the way they are revising - or outright censoring - history education so that today's young people have no reference.

To have Holocaust deniers in this day and age...IN OUR FREAKING UNITED STATES CONGRESS.

Today's Left is absolutely totalitarian.

We expect it from the Europeans - they are only a hair away from their history of monarchies and dictatorships, after all. They have always been partial to facism. But to watch it infect the United States is ominous.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
And let's add this. From a black conservative American:

In the gospel song, “Ordinary People” the lyric says, “Your little becomes much when you place it in the Master's hand.” My younger brother is a perfect example of this truth. He is a deacon in a church in Baltimore with an all-black congregation. His pastor and the congregation hate Trump and Republicans and trend towards anti-Americanism. On numerous occasions, my black Republican brother has confronted his pastor and fellow parishioners about how their loyalty to the Democratic party conflicts with their supposed commitment to Jesus Christ and biblical teachings. Their response has been to impugn him, calling him an Uncle Tom. A church member laughed at my brother for wearing a tiny American flag lapel pin.

My brother said rather than leaving his church of 25 years, he feels led to stay to provide salt and light. He teaches a class at church for new Christians, taking every opportunity to explain how the Democrat's agenda is contrary to God's agenda. My brother said that more and more members are secretly coming to him, thanking him for opening their eyes to the truth. Praise God. This is how we restore America, folks, each of us doing what we can from where we are. In his own way, my brother is pushing back.

For decades we have allowed leftists to dumb down public education; removing true American history and biblical morality from our schools. Consequently, ignorance of the biblical roots of our Constitution and the huge price paid for our freedoms poses the greatest threat to preserving American exceptionalism. We are literally one election away from losing our Founder's divinely inspired vision of America. It is imperative that each of us push back; doing our part to restore and preserve this unique extraordinarily successful experiment called America.

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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's kind of amazing to watch this crop of Democrat Presidential candidates almost unanimously hate the US. I honestly never thought I'd see something like that in my lifetime.
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Well-Known Member
And then we have the other arm of the Demonrat party, the Tech Giants, developing, perfecting, and practicing surveillance of every aspect of every individual 24/7, aided and abetted by Communist regimes.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And then we have the other arm of the Demonrat party, the Tech Giants, developing, perfecting, and practicing surveillance of every aspect of every individual 24/7, aided and abetted by Communist regimes.

Google refused to develop tech for the Pentagon, but happily developed surveillance for the Chinese government to spy on its citizens. That pretty much says all you need to know about Google.