I have always been amazed by the Kennedy ambience.
Trust fund kids who believe the Government should give everyone all the entitlements they have without the old mans booze backed finances. Socialist's who havent worked a day giving out Government doles to others who havent worked a day.
People who have never had to look to the next dollar, who have never had to decide which bill gets paid this month and which has to be held over till next, yet they know what we need and expect the Government to buy it for us.
They dont work they involve themselves in politics because they want the perks and want their asses kissed. They play the part of great Philanthropists ,only with Government money, never their own. They show up for photo-ops at the Special Olympics kiss some handicapped kid then dissappear, leaving the real peoploe who care to run the show.
Shanty Irish, rich from criminal enterprises, who greatly impress the idiots in Massachusetts, and the press.