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New Member
"The bodies were found on the road by a passing cabdriver around 5 a.m. Wednesday"

I read this as "the boobies were found". I think it is time for bed.


Geek said:
"The bodies were found on the road by a passing cabdriver around 5 a.m. Wednesday"

I read this as "the boobies were found". I think it is time for bed.

( . ) ( . )


In My Opinion
Geek said:
"The bodies were found on the road by a passing cabdriver around 5 a.m. Wednesday"

I read this as "the boobies were found". I think it is time for bed.
maybe they bounced away from the rest of the body sometime during the fall?
maybe the guy tried to keep her from falling by grabbing on to them, and he fell at the same time that they ripped off. When holding them over his head to use as parachutes failed to slow his fall, he tossed them and started flapping his arms?


Methodically disorganized
Geek said:
"The bodies were found on the road by a passing cabdriver around 5 a.m. Wednesday"

I read this as "the boobies were found". I think it is time for bed.
Yeah... boobies are usually only found around car washes.



bcp said:
maybe they bounced away from the rest of the body sometime during the fall?
maybe the guy tried to keep her from falling by grabbing on to them, and he fell at the same time that they ripped off. When holding them over his head to use as parachutes failed to slow his fall, he tossed them and started flapping his arms?

PuffPuffPass :bonk:


jazz lady said:
Talk about the ultimate "O"... :shocking:


I think the landing would be anti-climatic! go ahead gig my spellin cause I gots no dictionary her in the pop up:killingme:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Would this be like the old insect joke?

What's the last thing a naked couple has going through their minds as they fall 50' after going at it, onto a concrete stage?

Their azzholes?! :biggrin: