- Apr. 22, 2015 at 9:05pm
Prayer works. But on God’s TIMETABLE not our own, so it may take decades.
War is usually wrong and we have done a lot of that lately. Don’t do more of that. It didn’t work and doesn’t work. War is justified if as a defense, such as on our OWN LAND not some foreign country where we impose are wills on other people who don’t believe like we do. That’s satanic, actually.
We need to, as Christians, set a better example. That would help. But we don’t seem to have a lot of fired up humble, meek, and Christlike Christians. We seem to have a bigger bunch of angry hotheads, and we can remember from the Bible what Jesus said to Peter when Peter tried to use his sword to defend Jesus and cut off a man’s ear. Jesus said “Get thee behind me SATAN” to Peter. I am sure it stung Peter, but most people in the world are just like Peter or much much worse, and so they resort to ideas like WAR and BOMBS and such.
Stop it! Repent and take care of yourselves in trying to become a better person and example in Christ and with HIS help. Stop trying to muscle your way through righteousness. It doesn’t work and is not accepted by the Lord as per scripture.