Are you CURRENT?


Methodically disorganized
Most of you have probably heard of Current TV, the "new generation" of news television largely promoted by Al Gore. I happened to see a clip in The Source magazine regarding this about a month ago:

The new TV network is a 24-hour news channel designed to appeal to the Hip-Hop/Generation X audience. Hopefully, it will be a viable alternative to the Fox News and CNNs of the world, which are seemingly in lockstep with the Bush administration and its policies.

Gore dedicated the network at a free street concert in San Francisco that apparently featured a series of celebrities. This article gives this funny quote, "most of the 20-year-olds I talk to haven't heard of the network, nor do they know anything about Al Gore's involvement. 'We're here for the free concert,' they say."

I've watched a total of approximately 2.5 hours of their programming since their on-air launch on 1 Aug. and I think they can not honestly claim to offer "24-hour news". News, as it is traditionally known, is what our [or other] governments are doing, the latest U.N. scandal, or military or economic updates. Most of what Current delivers, however, is personal stories; like two that were on this morning, one about workers at a fish market and another about Iranian young people. The network strongly advocates independent video, in the belief that everyone has an interesting story to tell. Every half hour they have a segment called "Google Current", where they relay 30 - 60 sec. bits on several of the most popular news stories.

Now, I feel those 'human interest' stories have merit, as they can aid in putting the totality of a story in scope. But I don't think that stuff is news, nor should it subject traditional news.

I was curious how much of a Liberal slant the stories would have, and I was surprised that they are reasonably level-headed.

The producers do, apparently, have a problem with ADD, given the way mini video windows and ads are continuously popping up. This was particularly funny during a segment with Deepak Chopra discussing meditation... while the upper-right of the screen featured a coming segment of a skateboarder doing flips and jumps.

If you're interested, it's on DirecTV channel 366. Make Al Gore happy... check it out!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
An even funnier quote from the article:

As the party winds down, the journalists loiter over their bagels and coffee and express their suspicions. "How can a popular Google search not include porn?" asks one reporter.

"So much for progressive TV," adds another. "Gore's sold out. There's real money here. Eighteen- to 34-year-olds are liquid gold to advertisers."
:roflmao: Whew! Those were probably two independent quotes but I laughed out loud at the way they were presented.

I wish I could watch it. They have a lot of soundbites and "we're gonna do this", but no plan on how they're going to accomplish it. Interactive TV - what does that mean? Give young people a voice - what does THAT mean? The only media that offers TRUE free speech and exchange of ideas is the internet. Everything else is selected and programmed - only the internet publishes EVERY "letter to the editor".