Arlington Cemetery is short 35,000 wreaths


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Every year during the holiday season, volunteers lay wreaths atop the tombstones honoring the fallen heroes laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery.

They're traditionally funded by individual donations, but this year they are about 35,000 wreaths short.

VoteVets would like to help them close that shortfall.

Each wreath costs about $15 to make before they're driven down to Virginia and placed in front of a headstone.

Can you contribute $15 today to pay for a single wreath, and we will write a check to Wreaths Across America from the VoteVets community?


There's a story of sacrifice and sadness beneath every headstone at Arlington. During this time of year, we'd like to remind the families that their loved ones will never be forgotten.

All the best,

Jon Soltz
Iraq War Veteran & Chairman