

b*tch rocket
Who's afraid of a little rapture?

Just curious. Personally, I'd welcome it, let God sift us all through the sorting pot! I'm extremely curious as to who would make the cut.


b*tch rocket
Oh c'mon now Cari! You don't buy into that puffy cloud, harp strumming crap now do you! :wink: My idea of heaven is all the beer I can drink with no hangover! :cheers:


b*tch rocket
Cari, not true! The Song of Songs (or aka Song of Solomon or aka the lovers song) is pretty pervy if you ask me! Check it out sometime. I bet most "Christians" have never flipped through that part of the Bible, or their preacher took a black magic marker to it! :lmao: Wouldn't want anyone thinking the Bible discussed nice hooters, that were better than wine! :wink:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
... My idea of heaven is all the beer I can drink with no hangover! :cheers:
A 57', flying bridge w/ all tackle-bait and gear.... And a fully stocked bar. :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, Jesus says that if you repent of your sins, you're in. And he also says that you don't get anything more if you're a foxhole convert than if you've been behaving yourself all along (the Prodigal Son). That hardly seems fair to me but then, I didn't make the rules. So I figure if the Rapture DOES come, all I have to do is say I'm sorry and everything will be copacetic.

My idea of heaven would be to see behind the scenes of historical events and finally know what REALLY happened. I figure that'd keep me busy for awhile.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Christy
Who's afraid of a little rapture?

Just curious. Personally, I'd welcome it, let God sift us all through the sorting pot! I'm extremely curious as to who would make the cut.

The Left Behind books freak me out. I tried reading the first one and just couldn't get through it. In describing Armageddon, the authors seem to be cheering for the pestilence. Also, they stick in WAY too many descriptions of Jews converting to Christianity.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
My idea of heaven would be to see behind the scenes of historical events and finally know what REALLY happened. I figure that'd keep me busy for awhile.

That would be fun! "Oh, so the Mafia had JFK killed. The Nazis DID set the Reichstag on fire. Karen Silkwood WAS murdered. Vince Foster DID commit suicide, but Hillary covered up evidence because she was scared people would blame her, and was trying to save her own behind. The Egyptians built the pyramids themselves and it wasn't aliens who did it. Same deal with the Mayan calendar--Erich von Däniken didn't know what he was talking about. The Great Flood was the creation of the Black Sea when the glaciers melted. The Roanoke Colony disappeared when the colonists gave up and joined the local Indian tribes. Man, I'll be at this for years..."


My idea of heaven would be to see behind the scenes of historical events and finally know what REALLY happened. I figure that'd keep me busy for awhile.

I know this post is old but wanted to say that this is what I would want to do. I would want to know if the things we believed happened REALLY happened that way!


Warren that is pretty funny! I know my boss will not make the cut! She is an evil dweller... One of those people who make you wonder if you are working for the anti christ :twitch:


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: Re: Armageddon

Originally posted by Tonio

The Left Behind books freak me out. I tried reading the first one and just couldn't get through it. In describing Armageddon, the authors seem to be cheering for the pestilence. Also, they stick in WAY too many descriptions of Jews converting to Christianity.

I read those books and found them quite entertaining, kinda like a Stephen King novel. Totally full of a lot of scare tactics and coersion. But all in all, the whole premise doesn't quite fit in with my version of "religion".


Attire Monitor
I believe in heaven, and I fully believe that I'm going there.
However, I do feel that heaven is a concept that none of us on earth, in these lives, can grasp.
To me, it's so beyond our realm of comprehension that authors and storytellers have to put their spin on it to give it earthly dimensions.
For example, who really believes that Jesus looked the same way he does in all of the pictures...or God, looking like Santa Claus with his big fluffy white beard and clouds all around?
We just have no idea.
Anyhow, I fully believe that the time is coming, but we'll never know when.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Well, Jesus says that if you repent of your sins, you're in. And he also says that you don't get anything more if you're a foxhole convert than if you've been behaving yourself all along (the Prodigal Son).

That is clue number 1 that people put their own spin on things when writing the bible.. Bunch of guys sitting around talking. "Hey, did you hear what jesus said about getting into heaven?" "Well, since WE are the ones writing the book, and not him, I say we should put in a clause that EVERYONE has an equal chance of getting in if you repent. It wouldn't be right if the poeple writing the book were not allowed in.."
"Ok , sounds good to us! "


John so true! I read a book about 10 years ago called 2000 and beyond. It was milder that the Left Behind books, but it was thought provoking indeed. I lent the book out to a pastor that never returned it. THIEF! :wink:

IF I remember correctly the book describes the end of times very well using historical accounts and parts of the bible as reference. Another interesting book I read was called the Bible Code, now that book was technical indeed. The bible says in the end the seal is broken and the book is read. The government believes so strongly in this theory that the bible is written one way to tell a story of the past and coded to tell the story of the future that they fund individuals to work on this project. Only an intelligent person, such as God, could write a code that does such a thing. I believe that the bible could be encoded in some way as well.